Not So Smart U-Haul Driver


Getting comfortable
Apr 27, 2020
Reaction score
Ridgefield, CT
Hope the fire department was able to rescue them. I expect they had something quite important in the truck.

Separately, if you have a sprinkler system, it’s great to have some cameras. Typically the pressure sensor notifies your alarm company or the fire department. Most of them time they go off is because someone did something stupid.


IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
Reaction score
BTW, I find it hard to believe such a modern-looking parking structure did NOT appear to have a max height roof scraper to perhaps keep them from getting as far as they did.
Maybe there was one and they ignored it...usually they're sturdy enough to NOT be ignored. Maybe we just can't see it.

Thx for sharing!
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Known around here
May 14, 2019
Reaction score
BTW, I find it hard to believe such a modern-looking parking structure did NOT appear to have a max height roof scraper to perhaps them from getting as far as they did.
Maybe there was one and they ignored it...usually they're sturdy enough to NOT be ignored. Maybe we just can't see it.

Thx for sharing!
I've been in many places where the max height was wrong, or the roof scraper was wrong. More often than not its done, then the fire system or other plumbing/electrical is upgraded. The contractor just installs it however, and no one revises the sign/scraper


Pulling my weight
Apr 18, 2019
Reaction score
Not Here
BTW, I find it hard to believe such a modern-looking parking structure did NOT appear to have a max height roof scraper to perhaps keep them from getting as far as they did.
Maybe there was one and they ignored it...usually they're sturdy enough to NOT be ignored. Maybe we just can't see it.
Thx for sharing!
I've been in many places where the max height was wrong, or the roof scraper was wrong. More often than not its done, then the fire system or other plumbing/electrical is upgraded. The contractor just installs it however, and no one revises the sign/scraper
They plow thru the roof clearance sign at the beginning of the video, looks to just be hanging on chains so it swings out of the way.


Getting comfortable
Sep 21, 2016
Reaction score
Tampa Bay FL
[QUOTE="TonyR, post: 549969, member: 752"

I didn't know TWO (count 'em...TWO) dumb asses that stupid could statistically be found that close together.

That is todays norm, and getting worse everyday.

The Automation Guy

Known around here
Feb 7, 2019
Reaction score
Since there is no sound and I can read lips, I thought I would share what they said......

Idiot 1 (Driver): "Did we hit the clearance sign?"
Idiot 2 (Passenger): "Yeah, but look, the entrance is tall. We will fit just fine."
Idiot 1: "You're right and I sure don't want to have to carry that thing the extra 20 feet. It's heavy!"
Idiot 1: "Here we go............."

Idiot 1: "That pipe looks low. Are we going to hit it?"
Idiot 2: "I think so."
Idiot 1: "OK, let me know when I touch it and I'll power through it."
Idiot 2: "You're touching it!"
Idiot 1: "I'm just going to give it more gas. HANG ON!"

Idiot 2: "I don't think it is going to move enough."
Idiot 1: "Damn. I guess we are going to have to go around to the other side of the building. I could back out, but it will be easier if I turn around in this very small enclosed space. "
Idiot 2: "Do you want me to get out and help spot you?"
Idiot 1: "Do you think I'm an idiot! Besides, I'm really getting good at driving. It's been 3 weeks since my last accident. That's a record for me."
Idiot 2: "Wow, that is impressive. I've never made it longer than 2 weeks."
Idiot 1: "That's why I'm driving!"
Idiot 1: "I'm just going to give it more gas. HANG ON!"

Idiot 2: "There is something else blocking us!"
Idiot 1: "I can move it. This is exactly why I rented the BIG truck to move the microwave. Just give me a sec."
Idiot 2: "It's not working!"
Idiot 1: "I'm just going to give it more gas. HANG ON!"

Idiot 2: "Really I can get out to help spot." [Gets out of truck]
Idiot 1: [Slightly dejected] "OK, but just this once."
Idiot 2: [Immediately gets back in truck] "Wow. I didn't know it was suppose to rain today and I didn't bring a umbrella."
Idiot 1: "Neither did I! Oh well, I'll just keep trying to knock this down......"
Idiot 1: "I'm just going to give it more gas. HANG ON!"

Idiot 2: "Let's hope it stops raining before we have to unload the microwave."
Idiot 1: "Yeah. Fortunately it's raining pretty hard. I bet it is just a fast moving afternoon thunder shower."
Idiot 2: "It sure came up fast. It's only been a few seconds since I heard the first bang [of thunder]. But it's been loud and frequent, so the storm was obviously close."
Idiot 1: "I don't think it will last long."
Idiot 1: "I'm just going to give it more gas. HANG ON!"

Idiot 2: "I'm getting a little hungry. You want to get sushi after we are done?"
Idiot 1: "Yeah. I love sushi and as soon as we hook the microwave back up, we'll have something to cook it in."
Idiot 2: "You're so smart!"
Idiot 1: "Well I am the brains of the operation!"
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