Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?


BIT Beta Team
Jan 5, 2016
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SE Michigan USA


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Sep 5, 2016
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Cult of death? Not so much. | National Review

Liberal "progressive" Democrats are so gullible.... Hey Dems, I have some land for sale in Florida :lmao:

When Texas governor Greg Abbott lifted the state’s mask mandate on March 2, he was simply leaving it up to individual businesses to decide whether they wanted to require masks depending on circumstances. As expressed by Beto O’Rourke, who called the GOP a “cult of death,”


New York governor Andrew Cuomo announced with great fanfare yesterday that he is so delighted with his numbers that he is reopening the state almost back to normal levels and lifting most capacity restrictions at a point when . . . the New York City death toll is still double the nation’s, and more than double Texas’s. Will Democrats complain that Cuomo is presiding over a “cult of death” for being too hasty about reopening? New York has the second-highest unemployment rate of any state (only Hawaii is worse off), and if it has purchased a lot of additional safety with all of that economic pain, it’s hard to see.

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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Why does the media constantly refer these things as milestones?

Typically, milestones are used as indicators of achievement. :( Doesn't it feel like the word milestone is being deliberately used in the wrong context.
I agree, I almost always ignore "Breaking News" too, every news station abuses those words...

We need to keep in mind India has almost 4 times our population but the US is about 3 times bigger in land mass, so when we hear the high numbers we need to watch the percentages. Social Distancing, I am sure is not easy to do in India...Like we experienced in our larger Cities...




Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Any questions ?

Pfizer Expects Vaccine Will Be "Durable Revenue Stream" As It Seeks Approval For Children 2 To 11

The key number is that Pfizer expects sales of its coronavirus jab to hit $26 billion by the end of this year, a milestone that would make the vaccine the company's biggest-selling pharmaceutical product, eclipsing Humira, the popular rheumatoid arhtritis drug made by Abbvie.


BIT Beta Team
Jan 5, 2016
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SE Michigan USA
Just got this little ditty from

"Don't share a photo of your COVID-19 vaccination card online or on social media. Scammers can use content you post, like your date of birth, health care details, or other personal information to steal your identity."

Heck, if they can steal your identity via your all important vaccination card, then there is just too darn much info/emphasis on that darn card. Personally, I think that they're way more worried about people using the pic of that card that people might post online to photoshop their own info onto them to avoid this power play by the government.

As George Orwell wrote many many years ago, "If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever. "


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Science.. Follow the Science

Science.. and the scientific method, numerous theories are tested, and through results we determine what is valid and what is not.

Just because someone published a theory and claimed it was valid, does not make it valid until it is tested.

Those in politics claiming they are "following the science" - often from what I can tell are not. They are cherry picking a particular theory to support their political / corruption / donor agenda.

Scientific fact exists, whether they support a particular political / corruption / donor / economic / religious agenda is different.

Scientific theories can be reviewed, and tested, and with the scientific method we do expect and encourage all science to go through a review process and a determination made on the accuracy and validity of those theories.

Naturally, when science fact conflicts with a particular agenda we see issues and people attempting to declare these facts are not valid.


Known around here
Jul 18, 2016
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USA, Oregon
They are cherry picking a particular theory to support their political / corruption / donor agenda.
Or choosing a particular way to crunch numbers and present the data. Here's an example.

How did Pfizer calculate their "vaccine" is 95% effective? In the trial used, there was a 22,000 person "vaccinated" group where 8 people caught covid, and a 22,000 person unvaccinated control group where 162 people caught covid. 8 divided by 162 is 4.94%, and the shot is declared 95% effective.

How about looking at it a different way? In the "vaccinated" group, 0.036% got covid, vs. 0.736% in the control group. The shot therefore lowered the risk of catching covid by 0.7%. Doesn't sound so good that way, does it?

Weighing "95% effective" against the risks of the shot sounds like a good bet. Weighing "0.736% reduction" against the risks of the shot doesn't feel like a good bet.

Vaccine Makers Claim COVID Shots Are ‘95% Effective’ — But What Does That Mean? • Children's Health Defense
Absolute vs. Relative Risk: What Does Percentage Risk Really Mean?


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Dr. John Campbell

Prophylactic study from India

note, John Campbell covers issues with Facebook censors ( aka fact checkers ) at the end of this video.

Or choosing a particular way to crunch numbers and present the data. Here's an example.

How did Pfizer calculate their "vaccine" is 95% effective? In the trial used, there was a 22,000 person "vaccinated" group where 8 people caught covid, and a 22,000 person unvaccinated control group where 162 people caught covid. 8 divided by 162 is 4.94%, and the shot is declared 95% effective.

How about looking at it a different way? In the "vaccinated" group, 0.036% got covid, vs. 0.736% in the control group. The shot therefore lowered the risk of catching covid by 0.7%. Doesn't sound so good that way, does it?

Weighing "95% effective" against the risks of the shot sounds like a good bet. Weighing "0.736% reduction" against the risks of the shot doesn't feel like a good bet.

Vaccine Makers Claim COVID Shots Are ‘95% Effective’ — But What Does That Mean? • Children's Health Defense
Absolute vs. Relative Risk: What Does Percentage Risk Really Mean?
Hi @tigerwillow1

This is how it is done mathematically, statistically - it is a well established and proofed methodology.

I'm not going to take the time here to explain why, since honestly I doubt many remaining here will take the time to actually attempt to understand the statistical methodology.

If however you want to learn more, there are plenty of statistics books / classes / lectures / and examples which you can look at.



Known around here
Jul 18, 2016
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USA, Oregon
This is how it is done mathematically, statistically - it is a well established and proofed methodology.
I accept that the methodology is well established and proofed. I'm saying that the majority of the population who don't know how it's calculated or what it means will interpret the stated result more favorably than it actually is. Similar to the majority of people thinking the stated margin of error of a survey is a hard limit. Or how most would think that a debit in double entry bookkeeping would subtract from an asset account balance when it actually does the opposite. Heck, the federal budget methodology said Clinton once had a balanced budget. The game is to define something one way and give a name so those outside the inner circle will assume it to be something more favorable than it really is. Then when they complain about it, just point out how it's the industry standard, the scientific method, etc. Some of us on the forum learned the lesson about how and why stated sensor sizes are significantly larger than the actual sensor sizes.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Well, unfortunately, we have this perception now that's being created by some public health leaders that we need to reach total eradication. We're not gonna get to total absolute risk elimination. That is a false goal and quite honestly it’s being used now to manipulate the public. We heard today again from our public health leaders that if we get to 70% vaccination, then we can start seeing restrictions removed. That’s dishonest. Most of the country is at herd immunity. Other parts will get there later this month. San Francisco had 12 cases yesterday, most asymptomatic. What do you call that? I call that herd immunity. And I think what's happening is our public health leaders are dismissing natural immunity from prior infection, which changes the path to get to more population immunity. It invokes mandates, it means kids may have to get it and it demonizes those that are hesitant rather than respecting their decision.