WTB Paying for remote assistance dialing in HFW5241E-Z12E on License Plates


Apr 3, 2024
Reaction score
Because I live on a street that is very quiet, I'm having a very difficult time dialing my HFW5241E-Z12E in for license plates... I've even tried getting on my laptop and using my mobile hotspot and driving by my own house to change it, but the cellular data speeds suck here.

If anyone who has a 5241 or 5231 who is familiar with setting it up and dialing the settings in, I will pay you for your time - if you message me, we can certainly find something reasonable.

I can set up remote access for the camera, and we can message on Discord or a similar platform to communicate as I go up and down the street 100 times until we find the right numbers :lol:

I've spent a several hours across today and yesterday dedicated exclusively to working the numbers on this thing, and I've had only had some luck with the daytime. At nighttime, I've managed to pull rear plates, but not front plates when car headlights are on.

I've read countless threads here on this topic, and tried everything. What really makes it difficult is not having any reasonable amount of traffic to test with. We're talking about maybe two cars an hour, if I'm lucky. So again, it might be easiest if I am in the car and give you remote access to the camera to dial the settings in while I continuously go around the block :rofl:

Thanks in advance!
Last edited:
Mar 7, 2019
Reaction score
What’s the distance from the camera to the car? Do you have an old license plate that you could put on a post temporarily? A number 8 for a mailbox works well too, I have one stapled to the electric pole at the end of my driveway, lets me know the camera is in focus when everything else is black.