Random BI android app and Openvpn connection issues


Getting the hang of it
Dec 25, 2019
Reaction score
I have been researching for some time and can't figure out how to fix my BI app and Openvpn connection problems. I set up the Blue Iris android app running BI5 on a dedicated PC 2.5 yrs ago. I have a Synology RT2600AC router with vpn server.

1. When I am at home on my home network via wifi, sometimes the BI app will connect fine. Other times, it simply will not connect unless I turn off wifi and start a VPN via the Openvpn for android client.

2. When at work, I have never been able to get the BI android app to connect with wifi on and connected even though I have a VPN running (vpn symbol showing) and Openvpn shows as being connected. The wifi at my work is not corporate monitored or firewalled to limit access. I have always had to turn off wifi and reconnect the VPN to get the BI app to connect.

3. For the past number of months, there are a few days a week like today when I am at work and I can't connect via Openvpn (with wifi off) either. The Openvpn client will just stop at saying "waiting for server reply." There doesn't seem to be any pattern to this. Some days Openvpn connects fine and I can use the BI app, other days I can't get Openvpn to connect.

I have DDNS setup via Synology so that it gets updated when my internet provider changes my IP from time to time. I confirmed that the Openvpn for android app is initiating a connection with the correct external IP at port 1194. I am very handy with computers but am no networking guru.

As I said, I can't understand why sometimes when at home the BI android app will not connect when I am on my home network, and I can't figure out why at work even with wifi off some days Openvpn for andoid will connect and some days it won't.
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Getting the hang of it
Dec 25, 2019
Reaction score
Yesterday I couldn't connect to the VPN via the openvpn android app with wifi off while at work at all. Today, I'm connecting perfectly. Why???

The Automation Guy

Known around here
Feb 7, 2019
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Is there a chance that your work IP address range overlaps your home network IP address range?

Every network subnet used in the VPN connection needs to be unique. This means your home network, VPN tunnel, and whatever network you are using to try to access your home network all need to be completely different IP subnets. If they overlap you will get weird connection issues.


Getting the hang of it
Dec 25, 2019
Reaction score
I don't have access to the router that is being used for the wifi connection at work so I'm not sure about the ip range it is set up to use. That could explain why I can't connect via vpn when connected to wifi at work.

Unfortunately however this doesn't explain why sometimes when I am at home my BI app won't connect, and why some days my vpn won't connect when on mobile data.