SriCam Device Viewer NOT WORKING


Jun 6, 2015
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So I bought this Sricam IP Camera off of ebay and got it and tried to install it & nothing is going right. The Device Viewer doesn't work properly, in the Device Management section where I should be able to right-click "Device List" right next to the little planet earth icon well the "Device List" part is not there. So I can't even search my device. The other thing is every time I connect this little camera to my router, the router crashes. I can't even get past these two issues to even get started trying to install these cameras. There is virtually NO tech support from this company either.

Any suggestions?:sad2:


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Mar 9, 2014
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So I bought this Sricam IP Camera off of ebay and got it and tried to install it & nothing is going right. The Device Viewer doesn't work properly, in the Device Management section where I should be able to right-click "Device List" right next to the little planet earth icon well the "Device List" part is not there. So I can't even search my device. The other thing is every time I connect this little camera to my router, the router crashes. I can't even get past these two issues to even get started trying to install these cameras. There is virtually NO tech support from this company either.

Any suggestions?:sad2:
Welcome to the forum...sricam is low end junk..So my first suggestion is to return it. There are way better options out there. Which model did you buy and how much did you pay for it?
I have never seen a camera crash a router..i guess there is a first time for everything..


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Mar 9, 2014
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Sorry about the attitude of some here that feel that there is no primary need to try and first help anyone first and instead first telling them that they have "low end junk and that you should return it", if you don't use the IP Camera brands which they like.

Please try and contact your seller to see how they say how to proceed.

Also, please see this for support as well:

The above response is/was not helpful in "Any" way. Other then to make others go elsewhere for help with their IP Camera issues that are not the brands of choice of a select few.

I had never seen a administrator of a forum, help new people to want to leave quickly to go to other places for answers for their issues because they are being berated for what they purchased as their IP Camera. I guess there is a first time for everything..

Uber, thats the difference between me and you. This forum was never making sure folks stay here for support. Its about giving honest, truthful advice when someone posts a problem. Sricam, is low end junk. There are much better cameras out there for about the same cost. This camera was causing the router to crash, there is something severely wrong with it. The OP already stated that the company is not providing support. My advice was two fold. First, return it. Second buy something better now that OP is informed there are better, more reliable options. What I love about this forum is that YOU cannot stop me from pointing out the cold hard truth to end users, as you have done in the past in other forums. I cannot sit quiet and lets folks mess these low end inferior cameras.
You dont need to take my word for reviews speak for themselves.

My response is absolutely helpful...a common tactic is promising updated firmware that doesnt arrive the return period is over. It further helps in avoiding a costly mistake by keeping the sricam. Even it it did "function" it is simply a bad camera.
Don, I know the concept of honest information to end users is hard to understand, as the overlords at the foscam forum that you moderate would never let your be honest and truthful..but here its what we do.
As an Amazon Associate IPCamTalk earns from qualifying purchases.


IPCT Contributor
Jul 16, 2014
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Denver, CO
^ fenderman speaks the truth..

The best thing a newbie visiting these forums can do is add TheUberOverLord on mute...

The next best thing a newbie can do is realize 95% of cameras out there are cheap Chinese knockoffs of decently designed hardware... and research before putting your money down is paramount.


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Mar 9, 2014
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LOL. Makes sense from you!

P.S. A lesson learned about purchasing this or that IP Camera. Does not need to automatically include the overhead of returning it as a first choice to China before trying to make it work as best as possible, first. Simply because you or fenderman say otherwise.

I don't expect you both to understand that concept. So it would be a complete waste of my time to expound upon it. So I won't even try.

Secondly. At least try to practice what you preach. If you did, you wouldn't have seen my response to tell other people to "mute" [sic] my posts. Because I would have been in your "Ignore list".

STOP EDITING POSTS AFTER THE FACT TO INCLUDE NEW INFORMATION ITS ANNOYING. You dont know the user purchased from china..all he said was ebay. Regardless, the camera is junk and not worth putting time and effort into it.
Please, I beg of you to keep your word and not expound on this any further...lets see if you can do it...


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Mar 9, 2014
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What I do know is that the poster did not ask you what you think of their car, their spouse, where they live. They did NOT come here to ask if you thought their IP Camera was a good or bad one. They came here to resolve an issue with their IP Camera which you did NOTHING to address.

That fact is clearly documented here.

Dude relax. I did not give him car/spouse or any other non related advice. The poster had a major issues with the camera. It was crashing his router. I spoke the truth..I did in fact address his issue. I gave him the proper advice, that is, to send the piece of junk back. If more folks did that they would not get away with selling this rubbish. If you dont like it go back to the foscam forum that you moderate. I could care less about what you think, your opinion is of no value to me, despite your pretentious personal ego.


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Mar 9, 2014
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Uber, you cannot be trusted at all. STOP EDITING your posts with new information.


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Mar 9, 2014
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Again, you have no knowledge of if the seller will except a return of this camera because you have no knowledge of when the poster purchased it. So please stop trying t justify not also trying to help the poster as you berate them for the camera they purchased. Get the facts first.
So then the OP can respond and say, I cannot return it..EBAY HAS VERY LONG RETURN POLICY'S if paypal is used.
Stop being an ass. Stop modifying your posts to make it appear as though later posts dont address your points. This alone is enough to make you an untrustworthy.
He aleady said support is not being provided by the company. He did not say the seller. Your link to the company website is useless. Have you seen the amazon reviews? ITS JUNK.
Again, if you dont like my advice you can post yours..But as in the past I will call you out on your stupidity.


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Mar 9, 2014
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Most people can walk and chew gum at the same time. Are you saying you can't do that?

Because you could have easily taking the time to even make one suggestion in the same post besides simply berating the person about their brand choice.

Lets get something straight. I did not berate him. Let me explain, because this is something that you dont seem to understand.
I said the cameras is junk. I did not say, op, you are a moron for buying this junk camera. See the difference?
This is why you cannot be trusted.
If you bothered to look at some other threads, you will see that I have in fact help other SRICAM/JUNKCAM users setup their cameras, going as far as teamviewer sessions. In those instances I also suggested that the cameras were junk and they should be returned. In some cases the user could not or did not want to return them so I have helped.
Returning the camera is THE BEST option here. Its a JUNK camera AND its malfunctioning. Unless the OP refuses to return it that is the end of trouble shooting. Let the OP respond.


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Mar 9, 2014
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The person has purchased a camera. They may not be able to return it without wasting even more money. Most probably there are ways they can resolve their current issues with that camera and avoid purchasing another one.

What confuses you about doing that vs. using your logic in this case of:

1. Return the camera.
2. If you can't return the camera then place it in the trash.

Its ebay, they will get a full credit. Its unlikely that the camera is more than 6 months old.
There is no point in wasting time on a junk camera. Send it back even at a loss.


IPCT Contributor
Jul 16, 2014
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Denver, CO
I wish to hell it hid your toxic ass from other people's replies, but alas it dont and I am still subjected to your crap.

I steer clear of most threads that are littered with "This message is hidden because TheUberOverLord is on your ignore list", I should have known better before stepping into this one.



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Mar 9, 2014
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So then you continue to suggest that others do things, that don't work.

The issue is that the poster has already purchased the camera so this is past the realization process. I don't expect you to grasp that.

At this point nobody knows the exact Sricam model this poster has. Nobody knows the terms of the sale when the poster purchased their camera. Nobody knows if the camera could be returned at this point, without simply wasting more money.

Since the poster specifically asked for help with their camera issues here and not guidance on how to return their camera or to ask if others thought their camera brand was a good choice. They most likely ("It being their first post here and all") had assumed they could come here to try and get help, to try and get their camera operational.

Unfortunately they were simply berated about their camera purchase, instead. Without any helpful hints on what their post specifically asked for by you or fenderman.

Attempting and failing to belittle me with juvenile name calling, won't and doesn't change anything about the facts above.

Wow, you just cant shutup....the proper advice is to return it. That is the SPECIFIC help he was given. You disagree. Ok fine...Let the op come back with a response. There is no need for your maefosto rants. Get over yourself!
Stop LYING. You are a fraud. I never berated the poster - I explained the difference but you are too dense to understand. Yet you keep saying that. Why?
You cannot be trusted.
Sep 29, 2015
Reaction score
Wow, you just cant shutup....the proper advice is to return it. That is the SPECIFIC help he was given. You disagree. Ok fine...Let the op come back with a response. There is no need for your maefosto rants. Get over yourself!
Stop LYING. You are a fraud. I never berated the poster - I explained the difference but you are too dense to understand. Yet you keep saying that. Why?
You cannot be trusted.
hate to open an old wound but im gonna. i just got one of these sricam ap011 and havent a clue where to start and since this issue was never actually addressed in the thread so far im gonna ask agian.
how can i get this camera to work?
im a computer idiot so if you can help please go slow in a step by step sort of way.
i have a desktop conected to a comcast wifi modem with a ethernet cable. no wifi on computer.
I would like to be able to conect scricam to router with ethernet cable to get it going then figure out how i can use sricam without ethernet cable so i can use skype and sricam.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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hate to open an old wound but im gonna. i just got one of these sricam ap011 and havent a clue where to start and since this issue was never actually addressed in the thread so far im gonna ask agian.
how can i get this camera to work?
im a computer idiot so if you can help please go slow in a step by step sort of way.
i have a desktop conected to a comcast wifi modem with a ethernet cable. no wifi on computer.
I would like to be able to conect scricam to router with ethernet cable to get it going then figure out how i can use sricam without ethernet cable so i can use skype and sricam.
Honestly, the best advice I can give you is to return it. You will spend time trying to get it to work. Once you do you will be disappointed by the quality. The camera should come with software that helps find the ip address so you can log directly into the camera and adjust the can also download an app on your phone like "fing" and it will scan your network for devices. (provided your phone is connected to your wifi network)...
Why not simply use a good USB camera for skype? What are you using this camera for?
Sep 29, 2015
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going to use it to spy on my dog when i am not home. returning it and buying another isnt a option becouse i have no money which is why i bought the cheapest one i could find.
i got every thing going but there is issues.
the p2p ip finder software cant find it.
neither can search tool 3.6.
however i got wifi working using ip with port 80 when setting up device viewer
but it will only work if i turn off security on xfinity router
each time i try to connect using wep i get a warning ding and window written in some child's scribbling.
also i cant just input ip in browser and get it to come up.
i think it has somthing to do with this xfinity router being a modem router combo.
i am looking at my image on the device viewer right now and the camera dosnt have the network cable pluged in, also looking at it on android phone with apcamera app.
cant just leave my router open for everyone to watch my porn so please add me in getting this to work with security.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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How much did you pay for it? There are likely better options in this range.. Why suffer with junk.. There is a reason all sricams on Amazon have very poor ratings

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Sep 29, 2015
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How much did you pay for it? There are likely better options in this range.. Why suffer with junk.. There is a reason all sricams on Amazon have very poor ratings

Sent via Taptalk
i got it working, but febderman why do you even bother to reply to these post with advice about getting a camera to work by buying another. people dont ask for help to be told to buy more crap. try not responding if you are unable to aid.
for anyone needing info about getting this to work, the pc software dosnt allow proper wifi settings. once you have it conected via cable, then use android apcamera network setting to set the cameras wifi login.


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Mar 9, 2014
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i got it working, but febderman why do you even bother to reply to these post with advice about getting a camera to work by buying another. people dont ask for help to be told to buy more crap. try not responding if you are unable to aid.
for anyone needing info about getting this to work, the pc software dosnt allow proper wifi settings. once you have it conected via cable, then use android apcamera network setting to set the cameras wifi login.
The point was to help you avoid buying crap....the sricam is crap...that is why im giving you the advice. You choose not to accept it fine...there are better cameras in the same price range...This website was started to inform users so that they dont end up with crap in a draw...if you dont like it, I really dont care.
Sep 29, 2015
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well you couldnt have helped me from buying crap becouse i had allreay bought it. i didnt ask for help buying a camera, i asked for help conecting it. and you sir appear to be a troll with a admin badge!!!!


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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well you couldnt have helped me from buying crap becouse i had allreay bought it. i didnt ask for help buying a camera, i asked for help conecting it. and you sir appear to be a troll with a admin badge!!!!
You said you just bought it. You can return it. I also gave you advice on how to setup the camera. Call me what you wish. I will not help you justify your purchase. I will call a crap camera, crap. This website was started because other sites were censoring users when giving proper feedback about cameras. Again if you dont like it, you know where the door is.