Test Run Video Through Motion Detector


Getting comfortable
Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
I have a question related to the help file...the last statement: Don't forget to turn off this mode when finished with it! Since I leave mine on all the time, I wonder what the issue might be when left on? The only thing I can think of is that it might interfere with non-bvr recorded video, or inaccurate data for recordings without a pretrigger buffer?

Here's the info from the help file:

The Test run video through motion detector feature can be used to fine-tune your camera’s motion sensor settings found on the Motion sensor page from the Trigger page in camera settings.

• This is available for BVR files only
• Works best with clips captured using “direct to disc” recording or ones without added motion highlighting
• Position the video about 3 seconds before an event—this will give the motion sensor time to “learn” the video before it can begin to actually discriminate motion
• Begin playback at 1x up to 8x normal speed.
• Masked areas (no zone coverage) will be drawn in black
• Motion will be highlighted and rectangles drawn around objects
• When there’s significant motion, a trigger state will cause object rectangles and the viewer window border to be drawn in yellow.
• Don’t forget to turn off this mode when you are finished with it!