US Elections (& Politics) :)


Getting comfortable
May 19, 2019
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People's Republik of Kalifornia
Does it really matter how long it takes (within reason) to accurately tally and verify votes? I would rather trust the improvements to automated signature verification and tally counting over some tired overworked volunteer looking at IDs or misreading a ballot.

At the end of the day, shouldn't we tolerate a reasonable period (week or two) to ensure everything is correct and accurate than the systems of old which were fallible to human error.

Also, let's not forget population continues to increase, and I'm sure the people working elections haven't increased at the equivalent rate over the past 50 years.

That said, this requires PAPER ballots and automated signature verification systems, which most places are doing. Fully electronic voting is a disaster and never should have happened.
Sorry, but signature verification doesn't ensure that the ballot was filled out independently by the person who signed it. The only way is in-person voting upon producing a state-issued ID.


Getting comfortable
May 19, 2019
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People's Republik of Kalifornia
A significant problem with the GOP is the war within. The swamp establishment RINOs doing everything in their power to maintain their control. You generally don't see the libtards infighting like the GOP. The swamp refuses to die. We really need term limits and get rid of lobbyist and corporate donations.

Disagree completely. There is plenty of friction within the Democrat party, but the left-leaning press won't report it. At the same time, they project and amplify anything they can to make the right look bad.

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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Disagree completely. There is plenty of friction within the Democrat party, but the left-leaning press won't report it. At the same time, they project and amplify anything they can to make the right look bad.
Also, the Democrat party has changed Drastically over several decades. My father was a devout Democrat, for the working man, he use to say. This was before the 60s and 70s changes. I watched him in his later years question all the craziness of his party, he convinced himself that most of it was not true, yet his last two years he no longer followed that party. I remember him saying Planned Parenthood had nothing to do with abortions. He was an avid TV watcher and the propaganda from the Left (MSM) flowed through his TV set like Infomercials that prey on the elderly or weak.


Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
They do this all over Asia. There's a movie in which India holds its general election and their board of elections journies to a remote village (indigenous people) just to get a small handful of votes that potentially determines the outcome of the election.
think of the leftist ballot stuffers as cockroaches, and sic this girl on them

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Don't Look Up

Getting the hang of it
Aug 18, 2022
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I’m sorry that you are unwilling to consider my views (or to evaluate your own) because I only have read posts here. There’s nothing I can do to change that, but I am not here to troll.
Having spent time reading the posts here, you should be doubtless aware that Logic and Reason are (almost) entirely absent. Rationalization however, is in good supply (seems to be the only Sustainable thing left on the planet). Unless it fits their "opinion", they will deny it like a Covid patient dying in the ER, with their last words being "I thought it was a hoax" before they flat-lined. Now that Trump is now on the Buffet Menu, they'll flock to yet another "Messiah". There isn't one for either "side", but they'll keep on looking. No Utopias, but our own Extinction (plus most of the large mammals on the planet), seems the likely outcome. Shouldn't have to wait too long either...
Aug 3, 2015
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A significant problem with the GOP is the war within. The swamp establishment RINOs doing everything in their power to maintain their control. You generally don't see the libtards infighting like the GOP. The swamp refuses to die. We really need term limits and get rid of lobbyist and corporate donations.
Disagree completely. There is plenty of friction within the Democrat party, but the left-leaning press won't report it. At the same time, they project and amplify anything they can to make the right look bad.
IMHO, you're both correct. RINOs and unresponsive entrenched leaders (Mitch McConnell) ARE serious problems within the GOP. The media DOES amplify the smallest discord within the Republican ranks, while casually (and totally) ignoring any hint of problems with the Democraps. The deck is stacked against the people, 3-to-1. Is it any wonder they all dislike Trump so much?

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Aug 19, 2020
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San Antonio, TX
Again, the country lost. My daughters futures are at risk, as well as most Americans, but the sheeple are so damn blind by now. MSM's propaganda game is strong...they have late night, early morning and even Hollywood on their side. IDK what the 'REPUBLICAN' party is going to do, but it better do something. A good start would be getting rid of the DAMN RINO'S, and yes, BITCH McCONNELL at the top of that list. IMO, De Santis is our best hope for 2024 and Trump is far to toxic to even touch. Between now and then, conservatives better focus on what is wrong with this country and bring it to light just LIKE THE DEMONCRATS do with their LEFTIST, SOCIALIST'S agenda's, BUT BETTER. No matter how you look at it, this was an ASS KICKER for the REPUBLICAN PARTY and our REPUBLIC! It could only be worse if Joe and the Hoe had us in a War and the Economy completely buckled (there's still time). THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN a easy win for us, but instead we got our asses kicked, and in doing so, so did Lady Liberty. If something isn't done, full blown socialism is just around the corner. Helloooooooo Venezuela!

This is all just my opinion and doesn't mean shit.