US Elections (& Politics) :)


IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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In the 60's it was trying to stuff a record number of people in a phone booth......
I'll concede the current WH Admin & Presidency has surpassed all past admins for the most inept, dishonest, corrupt, immoral, dumbest and unpatriotic staff.
What a waste of good oxygen...... :wtf::screwy::mad::smash:


Getting comfortable
Nov 8, 2019
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Beacon, NY
When was Hillary President? What powers did she have to declassify documents?
MIAMI (AP) — Donald Trump improperly stored in his Florida estate sensitive documents on nuclear capabilities, repeatedly enlisted aides and lawyers to help him hide records demanded by investigators and cavalierly showed off a Pentagon “plan of attack” and classified map, according to a sweeping felony indictment that paints a damning portrait of the former president’s treatment of national security information.

If Obama did this what would your reaction be?


IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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So in other words, Parents don't have the final ultimate say according to the biden...

BTW, Joe Numbnuts.... your statement "kids are the kite strings that hold our national ambitions aloft" makes no frickin' sense. It's the balloon that keeps something aloft and the kite strings INHIBIT the balloon from getting away.

I wish the kite strings would get tangled around your neck and take YOU aloft, you idiot. :mad:


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
MIAMI (AP) — Donald Trump improperly stored in his Florida estate sensitive documents on nuclear capabilities, repeatedly enlisted aides and lawyers to help him hide records demanded by investigators and cavalierly showed off a Pentagon “plan of attack” and classified map, according to a sweeping felony indictment that paints a damning portrait of the former president’s treatment of national security information.

If Obama did this what would your reaction be?
The AP is your source??? No bias there. Obama did do this and most other Presidents. Biden even stored the documents in his garage next to the Corvette and he was only the VP. He did not have the power to declassify those documents.
By the way the President has the power to declassify documents. Also, the pictures of the boxes at Mar-A-Lago are meaningless with no background. You posted an article from the AP, then I will post a link to a lawyer named Mark Levin.

Benny Johnson on Twitter: "Mark Levin goes SCORCHED EARTH after the indictment of Donald Trump" / Twitter


Getting comfortable
Nov 8, 2019
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Beacon, NY
The AP is your source??? No bias there. Obama did do this and most other Presidents. Biden even stored the documents in his garage next to the Corvette and he was only the VP. He did not have the power to declassify those documents.
By the way the President has the power to declassify documents. Also, the pictures of the boxes at Mar-A-Lago are meaningless with no background. You posted an article from the AP, then I will post a link to a lawyer named Mark Levin.

Benny Johnson on Twitter: "Mark Levin goes SCORCHED EARTH after the indictment of Donald Trump" / Twitter
OK, You win -

why not read the indictment yourself?
btw IN HIS OWN WORDS - in the recording the DOJ has Trump is 'sharing' classified documents AND admitting he 'should have' declassified them while he was president and he can't now.


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
On Trump And Everything Else, The Regime Has Gaslighted America Into Oblivion

The America you once loved and fought for, whose ideals many were willing to give their lives for, is dead.

Well, they finally did it. The powers that be actually indicted Donald Trump.

After the regime weaponized a bogus dossier, spied on his campaign, hamstrung his policy, impeached him, impeached him again, defamed him as a racist Nazi, made his supporters fear isolation and employment retribution, lied about him in every way imaginable on every news station and in every paper every day, and rigged elections again him, they’re finally taking him down with some paperwork.

These papers are criminal, you see, because they have classification markings, were in Trump’s possession, and were part of a documents dispute. Pay no attention to the fact that the DOJ won’t even tell the court specifically what’s in the documents, meaning they can claim this is a Very Serious Matter™ — Scout’s honor! — with no evidence available to the contrary. Or that as president, Trump possessed declassification authority that wouldn’t have belonged to, say, a secretary of state or vice president.

Speak of the devil, ignore that Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Mike Pence, and Barack Obama all had their own “documents disputes” — some more serious than Trump’s — without facing any criminal charges. And that the whole Mar-a-Lago fiasco, which involved the FBI sending dozens of plainclothes agents to raid the former’s president’s estate and dig through his wife’s closet, started when a disgruntled, backbench National Archives bureaucrat tattled because he didn’t like the look of Trump’s banker box.

As a result, Trump is being charged with 37 counts. But he isn’t the only target here. So are you.

Biden’s DOJ and FBI and their pals in the media wouldn’t have to go no-holds-barred against Trump if you would just stop supporting him. Just like Trump didn’t go away when the deep state staged its coup, you didn’t repent of your patriotism when the current president stood in front of scary red lights and delivered his diatribe against “ultra-MAGA” Republicanism. Now the ruling class has no choice but to indict, because understand: Waging lawfare, lawlessness, and intimidation brutally and relentlessly against opponents until they crumple is the regime’s whole offensive.

The Regime Has Gaslighted America Into Oblivion (


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
OK, You win -

why not read the indictment yourself?
btw IN HIS OWN WORDS - in the recording the DOJ has Trump is 'sharing' classified documents AND admitting he 'should have' declassified them while he was president and he can't now.
In rebuttal to your argument: Trump never actually claimed the documents were classified still.

Whether or not Trump at that time believed the document was classified doesn’t negate the provisions of the Presidential Records Act, which states any record a setting president takes with him when he leaves office is presumed to be declassified. A general clause does not control a specific clause.

Edit: I also found this: "The Presidential Records act allows Trump to hold and move classified information. There is no criminal penalties associated with the Act. Trump has a SCIF, paid/cleared staff, and 24 hour USSS protection on his person and residence.

Former Presidents are allowed to review their papers at their leisure in preparation for their Presidential libraries. Historically, there have been disagreements between the National Archives and former Presidents. The NA complained or were invited to complain to the WH. Biden/Garland turned it into a criminal case including a raid on MAL."
Last edited:


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
One more thing on Trump and the documents from another forum.

"My take is that the publisher wanted copies of some of the documents that Trump had, but Trump was concerned that sharing them might not be a good idea, since they could still contain sensitive information that could damage the National Security if shared. So this was his “excuse” for not sharing them. It didn’t mean they were actually “classified”.

Yes, it's very possible that that's what Trump was doing.

There certainly is reasonable doubt about him not classifying.

In court, Trump's defense attorney will ask Trump to clarify.

Trump will clarify.

And then that SHOULD be it."


Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
MIAMI (AP) — Donald Trump improperly stored in his Florida estate sensitive documents on nuclear capabilities, repeatedly enlisted aides and lawyers to help him hide records demanded by investigators and cavalierly showed off a Pentagon “plan of attack” and classified map, according to a sweeping felony indictment that paints a damning portrait of the former president’s treatment of national security information.

If Obama did this what would your reaction be?
Your back. Are you all healed up from your orchiectomy?


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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On Trump And Everything Else, The Regime Has Gaslighted America Into Oblivion
The Regime Has Gaslighted America Into Oblivion

The America you once loved and fought for, whose ideals many were willing to give their lives for, is dead.

Few things can revive a lifeless country, especially when elections border on meaningless and shared values are a relic of the past. But any rebirth that’s going to happen will start in your own heart and household.

First and more important than anything else: Repent and believe the Gospel. There is simply no enduring hope outside the good news that Jesus died and rose again to redeem the wretched souls of this sinful world who abandon their base desires in exchange for His righteousness and eternal life.

Then catechize yourself and your children. Teach them lasting truths about life and death, sin and salvation, worth and unworthiness. Instill in them the importance of hard work, the beauty of marriage and the sexes, the value of all human life, the pitfalls of pride, and their need for humility and forgiveness.

Join a church. Gather with believers who share your values and care about your spiritual state. Sing praise, pray, and read your Bible.

Care for the needy. Engage with your neighbors. Go outside and appreciate nature. Take good care of your body. Minimize screen time for yourself and your children. Keep an eye on their homework and library books. Run for school board and other local offices. Keep a garden. Buy a gun and learn how to use it responsibly. And don’t cower from a worthwhile fight.

Nobody — not Donald Trump, not Ron DeSantis, and not new FBI leadership — can save America. It’s up to you to save your corner of it.