What causes this distortion?


Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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Hi everyone,

I've installed the first of two new Dauhua 5631RP-ZE units sourced from Andy onto my BI system. This camera replaces a 5321R-Z that was mounted in the same location and uses the existing cable that was already in place.

I'm seeing on some of my Alert motion clips a visual distortion where a part of the image that is moving is not "backfilled" properly creating a moving blob that lasts a second or two before filling in. I see this wherever I view the clip (mobile app, UI3, or on the actual BI Application on the camera PC, an i5-6500 with quicksync enabled). I'm running BI4 and writing continuously direct to disc. The computer rarely gets above 30% CPU use or 50% memory use, and the hard drive is constant at 92% use. The boot/application/database drive is an SSD (the storage drive is a 10 TB WD drive, not purple). I see this ONLY with this new camera, in both light and dark scenes.


Here is the camera interface stream parameter info:
Stream stuff.jpg

And here is the BI info:

BI details.jpg

Any ideas for clearing this up would be appreciated. I haven't quite dialed in the camera exposure settings yet; that's for this weekend, but I'm concerned by the blob distortion affecting clips from my otherwise awesome new camera. I haven't updated to BI 5 yet; considering doing that this weekend, but prefer to take one step at a time.


Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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oh, one more thing. This doesn't happen in every clip or all the time. I see it in maybe one out of five of my motion clips perhaps even less frequently than that.
That's going to make it a little bit harder to troubleshoot since it's not an immediately reproducible error, it just happens once in awhile.

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IPCT Contributor
Feb 15, 2018
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Houston Tx

Excellent write up. A lot of useful information. A good description of the problem. I like the screen shots.

1) Does this problem only occurs on alerts ?
2) does the continuous recordings looks good when viewed on the BI console and UI3 ?
3) what is the shutter speed on the camera ?
4) what device are you using to view the alerts ?
5) does this problem occur on the beginning of the recording or the whole alert recording ?

For testing increase the bit rate to the maximum value and set bit rate type to VBR.

a few things not related to your problem
1) if you are not using the sub stream turn it off
2) I do not like big files so I set combined and cut video to 1 hour.


Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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Excellent write up. A lot of useful information. A good description of the problem. I like the screen shots.

1) Does this problem only occurs on alerts ?
2) does the continuous recordings looks good when viewed on the BI console and UI3 ?
3) what is the shutter speed on the camera ?
4) what device are you using to view the alerts ?
5) does this problem occur on the beginning of the recording or the whole alert recording ?

For testing increase the bit rate to the maximum value and set bit rate type to VBR.

a few things not related to your problem
1) if you are not using the sub stream turn it off
2) I do not like big files so I set combined and cut video to 1 hour.
Thanks @SouthernYankee ,

I haven't watched live footage enough to say if it is only on alerts, and also haven't watched the continuous clip footage at those time points. Will do tonight. Not much happens on my street, so all motion generates an alert; blobs happen only during motion.

However the blob distortion is reproducible in that if I play the alert over and over again it looks the same, and looks same on mobile app, UI3 web interface, or directly in BI4.

Shutter speed during day is Auto, night is in custom range 0-10msec I think. Will verify when I'm at home.

Problem happens at random times during the alert, not just beginning. Lasts a second or two before clearing up.

I don't use the substream so I will turn it off. I think my bit rate is already at Max but will verify.

I can also check to see if there is a firmware update for the camera. They don't have internet access but I can check manually.

I wonder if it has to do with noise reduction, but since it happens during day when there is lots of light, that theory drops a bit.

It looks like over compressed cable digital video really, when it happens. The camera is 6MP so it's my highest res can, but there are only 9 cameras on the network and all others are only 2-3 MP so it can't be network bandwidth issue I think.

Will post more tonight or tomorrow; meanwhile I am happy to entertain thoughts and suggestions.

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Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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Hold the presses!

On a break at work was looking at some alerts out of curiosity and saw similar distortion on alerts from several other camera feeds via the mobile app, so it seems not to be just the new camera.

This is brand new; I've never had this issue before.

Windows did update, the other day, on the camera PC. Could this somehow be root cause?

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IPCT Contributor
Feb 15, 2018
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Houston Tx
Change in the problem :) more info always seem to change the problem

If you are using hardware acceleration in BI for the cameras turn it off and see if the problem changes.

It may be the driver, Windows 10 updates and screws thing up . There have been reports of similar problems.


Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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When I get home I will find the latest Intel driver and install it, even if it seems like the latest is already installed. This has cleared up problems in other areas of life for me.

I installed Windows update same day I out in the new camera. Gosh I hate when updates break things. But , the problem might be something else entirely. Jury still out!

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Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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I will this evening for sure. Hmmmm. The day I installed the replacement camera (connected at 6-7 pm sometime), I logged into the camera PC via remote desktop and it talked about applying pending updates. Leaving the window open, I ate dinner and did stuff with the family.

At about 10pm, I noticed ALL cameras were offline, despite the PC still being up and BI running. This had never happened before. Perplexed, I took the lazy man's route and rebooted the PC, choosing Apply Updates and Restart. Cameras came up a couple minutes later; I figure job done issue sorted and went to bed. Nob recurrance of the all camera offline issue, but maybe this is all related. The plot thickens.

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Known around here
Sep 25, 2017
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Isn't this the same as here:

It turned out to be a driver although I suspect the underlying cause may be a Windows Update that's causing some driver versions to no longer function properly.


Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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Hi folks,

I reviewed footage around the time I installed new camera and three hours later the PC got a Windows update. The update was the problem. All was fine on all cameras until the update; immediately after the update the glitches start. It's the same one referenced by @CCTVCam above. I will play with drivers and see what I can see.


Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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Just installed, but may not have results until tomorrow due to dinner plans.

There was an August 23, 2019 version installed, that was glitching.
I tried getting the latest driver from the Intel site, for my i5-6500 with HD530. It wouldn't install, saying not compatible, manufacturer has customized drivers.
Rolled back to prior driver which came up as AUGUST 2016. THREE YEARS OLD.

A few alerts later, it seems to work, but I'd rather stay current.

Used the HP driver finder to locate correct latest one for my PC, it came back as the 6472 from January 2019. It's installed now and rebooted. Will check on it after running some errands but may be in a rush and unable to report for a while.


Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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While getting my coat on a host of cars drove by. About 5 alerts across several cameras, no glitches yet.


Known around here
Sep 25, 2017
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Windows Updates have screwed a few services recently. About 6 months ago, my Printer Scanner started to crash the software. I thought it was an issue on my pc. Turns out when I google, lots reporting it. A windows Update has broken many scanners of many brands it appears. The Creators update stopped by copy of Adobe Photoshop Elements working and my Sony Vegas Pro video editor (expensive paid for App). I like Windows but I hate the enforced updates. It's no longer your pc and updates seem to be breaking more and more Apps. Worse still when they're vital to security.
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Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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Everything still good this morning. Windows updates paused for a month. I'm worried the next update will bork my system again...

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Known around here
Mar 14, 2017
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That's the one Windows feature that I wish Microsoft would give more control over without having to hack thru the registry. For example, I would just like to lock it down to security updates only.

They probably just want their OS to be updated more often to make up for the years and many versions that were vulnerable because they didn't force you to upgrade.


Known around here
Sep 25, 2017
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You can hack the registry. The issue there is updates now expire so if you hack not to receive them, you can't receive them if needed once expired and there used to be, I'm not sure if there still is, a restiction on obtaining future updates if you need them if previous updates were missing.

MS should really leave the bot issue to security software or at least provide an expert way of setting updates back to the old manual method without penalty so advanced users can have manual control whilst total Windows noobs have them enforced.