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HikNetExtractor 1.0.0

Provides functionality to extract periodically only new or missing record event from Hikvion camera or NVR with ISAPI and HTTPDigestAuth enable.
The script will create a new dir peer day.

Add this script to an schedule task and you will keep records during the number of day you put in the
After wath you can backup video files throught the local network or the net, for example with rsyncd. Use QtVsPlayer, GitHub - surfzoid/QtVsPlayer: QtVsPlayer for Hikvision, QtVsPlayer can read local video files of Hikvision and display blue, green and red vector. Join us on IRC or to read the video with green and red vector like in the web interface BUT Localy.

My personal usage
mkdir -p ~/script/cam1
cd ~/script/cam1
git clone GitHub - surfzoid/HikNetExtractor: Provides functionality to extract periodically record event from Hikvion camera or NVR with ISAPI and HTTPDigestAuth enable. Add this script to an schedule task and you will keep records during the number of day you put in the config.

mkdir -p ~/script/NVR
cd ~/script/NVR
git clone GitHub - surfzoid/HikNetExtractor: Provides functionality to extract periodically record event from Hikvion camera or NVR with ISAPI and HTTPDigestAuth enable. Add this script to an schedule task and you will keep records during the number of day you put in the config.

##edit in cam1/HikNextractor and NVR/HikNextractor

crontab -e
3,18,33,48 * * * * ~/script/HikNetExtractor/NVR/
3,18,33,48 * * * * ~/script/HikNetExtractor/cam1/
3,18,33,48 * * * * ~/script/ #sauvegarde des videos de la camera vers la maison
First release
Last update


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