Recent content by alexanderx10

  1. alexanderx10

    Hikvision NVR getting pictures from archive by every 1 hour by 1 camera

    Thank you very much. It's really helped us. Few work examples on the below: ffmpeg -i 'rtsp:/user:password@' -frames:v 1 10.jpg --- some times image is broken ffmpeg -rtsp_transport tcp -i...
  2. alexanderx10

    Hikvision NVR getting pictures from archive by every 1 hour by 1 camera

    Hello to everyone. I trying to find solution for one no simple task. Need to do Snapshots of 40 cameras from 1 february until now for every1 hour from archive. Its should be like this: camera one - 1 feb 00.00 - 1 snapshot, camera on - 1 feb 01.00 snapshot, camera one - 1 feb 02.00 - 1...