Recent content by algertc

  1. algertc

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    It has been 95% done for a couple weeks. I couldn't get Mike's ALPR code to work on my machine and was trying to troubleshoot that off and on. Finally figured it out yesterday. All I had to do was add some extra Python imports. Now that I have it working, I can get the data I need from the...
  2. algertc

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    This is part of what’s so nice about this though. Even if u were to have the most sophisticated criminals who are somehow aware that you’re doing this, what are they gonna do? Go to a tire shop and get all their wheels taken off and have them removed? I can just imagine how pissed off I would...
  3. algertc

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    Yes. Secondary form of PII to store in the database so you can still identify vehicles if they remove their license plate. Little POE box you can run out to the street. Needs to be as close as possible.
  4. algertc

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    I've been thinking about the TPMS solution, and I think I have a significantly better approach. I consulted a friend with more electronics expertise to ask about making something a bit more custom, and this seems like the way. The last thing I tried was 2x RTL-SDRs w a Raspberry Pi and a POE...
  5. algertc

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    @smallik Upon closer inspection of your log screenshot, the fact that it's complaining about tags being missing doesn't track with the issue being caused by just the migrations file missing. I'm thinking that may not quite fix it. I don't really understand how this happened the first time...
  6. algertc

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    Yep, right on, as usual. The below is also very helpful to me for writing the troubleshooting page. Docs are almost finished. Not likely to add any value for anyone who has been following along, but should be much better for new users. Can serve as a reference too. I'm also going to record two...
  7. algertc

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    Hi, @smallik You're very close. This seems like a very minor issue with the database schema, which is what defines how the tables and columns are structured. The error is stating that there is a relation missing. Normally, this should be created automatically and should exist in the...
  8. algertc

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    I'm working on the AI training. Turning out to be a bit harder than expected. Hitting some minor roadblocks in getting python model adjustments to work... Hopefully will be able to sort out soon. My work kind of goes in cycles of downtime and extremely long hours, so I'm hoping to have another...
  9. algertc

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    Jeez yeah if that's paper/fake we're gonna need some smarter CV people to get on the case... I wouldn't personally have much confidence in developing anything to distinguish that... It's possible that @MikeLud1 's state recognition might be able to grab the other parts and flag anything that...
  10. algertc

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    While this might not be the easiest to do in the immediate future, I definitely see the value and would like to be able to flag those myself. Once we can get an improved recognition model working with the current situation, this could be an interesting thing to try to integrate. I doubt there...
  11. algertc

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    I've been working on the ALPR module integration and talking to @MikeLud1. I think we are making very good progress, all things considered. I've been quite busy this week, but we will definitely have something upgraded and very good soon. TPMS iz also my main priority now that other bugs are...
  12. algertc

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    I would love to hear any way to distinguish fraudulent plates. Anything like that would actually be at the top of my priority list. I live with my parents in a decently nice neighborhood, but there are still quite a lot of thefts. I'm all for anything that might catch any burglars.
  13. algertc

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    What exactly do you mean @PeteJ ? I'm all for more ways to catch threat actors, but I'm not sure I understand what you're saying. Distinguishing between paper plates is well beyond what we are currently able to do, but the ALPR is getting very good, and we will be able to detect most plates very...
  14. algertc

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    I will add this.
  15. algertc

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    Mobile will look something like this. Tap and hold on the record to bring up action options. Coming soon... "3 AM Guy" Seems to work a 7 day night shift and comes home 7 days a week between 2 and 4 in the morning. Like clockwork. Never misses. Usually the only vehicle during that period every...