Recent content by ataunton

  1. ataunton

    Help with PTZ control inside BI with a EZVIZ camera

    After some investigation both with EZVIZ and Ken of BI - the conclusion is that Blue Iris CANNOT manage Preset positions set by the mobile APP standard with EZVIZ PT cameras. The presets created by the App software WILL NOT LOAD into BI. BEWARE IF YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT EZVIZ Cameras with BI
  2. ataunton

    Help with PTZ control inside BI with a EZVIZ camera

    Thanks - If EZVIZ get back to me ( They have been very responsive on other issues) I'll post here !
  3. ataunton

    Help with PTZ control inside BI with a EZVIZ camera

    Coming a couple of years late to this thread but for info - I have the same problem with EZVIZ PT cameras. To get them to work with BI5 PT controls I used the Generic /ONVIF PT protocols. The latest firmware says it is ONVIF compatible and it is for PT control but STILL not for Preset Position...