Recent content by baggins73

  1. B

    Dahua NVR4108HS-8P-4KS password reset - already tried nearly everything

    You should get something like that in terminal (see pic)
  2. B

    Dahua NVR4108HS-8P-4KS password reset - already tried nearly everything

    Confirmed the pinout of the serial interface, make sure you are connecting to the correct port number of the uart (check in device manager). If no output change RX and TX and try again. It works 100%, sometimes the serial adapter plays up. Hope you sort it out.
  3. B

    Dahua NVR4108HS-8P-4KS password reset - already tried nearly everything

    Can you post voltages of the pins on j6?
  4. B

    Dahua NVR4108HS-8P-4KS password reset - already tried nearly everything

    Hi mate, from what I can see your serial port connection is j6, BLACK is GND, RED is TX, GREEN is RX. Don't take my word for it though, I've seen some weird pinouts on Dahua boards, so check the pins with a multimeter. Connect the serial to the computer with USB UART if you don't have a serial...