Recent content by BobHarry

  1. BobHarry

    How do you access your BluIris ?

    yes, i think i would definitely have a monitor and keyboard/mouse in the closet to work on the machine but do most access through RDP. I hooked 2 win10 desktops up yesterday through RDP and it worked great, especially since I have 4 large monitors at my primary desktop i can have 1 dedicated...
  2. BobHarry

    How do you access your BluIris ?

    thank you, i will have to consider how i might use a KVM So with the KVM is it that you would be at your desk and the KVM would basically connect your monitor and keyboard to your Bi server in the closet ?
  3. BobHarry

    Placement above garage

    i would think the blue x with cam rotated to where left edge is in your perimeter. however I would think the neighbor would not mind having some security from your camera coverage? Could you talk to him and have him sign something ?
  4. BobHarry

    BI Dream Machine

    nice build ! that case is a beast. The Noctua is nice but the 14900K can make some heat, my guess is it will run on the hot side with only the air cooling.
  5. BobHarry

    How do you access your BluIris ?

    That is a good idea. Although after getting fed up with my Roku, Fire tv and apple tv I am doing all my tv'ing through windows 10 machines. It has been a great use for my old machines and I can do a lot more through windows and Firefox in eliminating ads and what not with Ublock scripts, plus...
  6. BobHarry

    How do you access your BluIris ?

    Thanks, Yeah I am working on it now with 2 of my windows 10 pro machines. Yeah i think using windows RDC is probably the way. they discuss options for other clients here
  7. BobHarry

    How do you access your BluIris ?

    Thanks for the reply. Yeah, that is what i thought. And that seems the cleanest way to do it. So my dedicated Bi pc can be in a secure network closet. I suppose i need to relook at ways of RDP as times have changed and maybe it is less intrusive as it seemed years ago where i had to turn on...
  8. BobHarry

    How do you access your BluIris ?

    Hi, I ran Bi for 10 years on my only desktop that i worked on. It worked out great. I had plenty of ram and CPU resources. It was nice because it was on the pc i was working on. And using the web browser on my laptop was fine but less flexible. I sold that house 2 years ago and am renting...
  9. BobHarry


    Hi my name is Bob. I was a Blu Iris user for 10 years and am looking to build a new system at my next house I am designing now. I had some questions and wanted to ask the forum so that is where i am headed now. cheers