Recent content by Broachoski

  1. Broachoski

    How to open a pipe

    The arrow is pointing to a 2 piece union. Place 1 wrench on the large hex and pull down (as viewed in the photo) Place another wrench on the smaller hex adjoining the large one and hold it firmly to prevent it from spinning and causing other problems. Basically "lefty loosy" when looking from...
  2. Broachoski

    Arctic Blast is here...

    I'm curious as to what product you produce, Sir!
  3. Broachoski

    How to wire 2 cameras on 1 cat6 without any extra devices?

    I have made a few of those. Simply wire a connector to 1,2,3 and 6th pins. I used basic colors for T568. Then use the other 2 pairs of wire for another connector using the same 1,2,3 and 6th pins. Do the same on the other end of the cable. Here is a YouTube vid.
  4. Broachoski

    Trying to send a video feed from a brick building into adjacent brick buildings

    These are great to extend "ethernet" Where ever you may buy them, make sure they include the needed 24 volt POE power injector (not to be confused with powering POE cameras)...
  5. Broachoski


    Brave browser with Shields on works great. No ads
  6. Broachoski

    Talent and artistry exists in many forms

    I've seen some of those on the streets in Lost Wages, NV. Truly talented. Their exposure to that much spray paint is not good.
  7. Broachoski

    Funny / Satire

  8. Broachoski

    How do you setup security cameras in farm

    Yep! Need enough for overlapping coverage.
  9. Broachoski

    Arjun, where are ya?

    These are for the EV "nuts"
  10. Broachoski

    CEO Of UnitedHealthcare Killed In Targeted Attack In Manhattan, Suspect At Large

    It turned out to be a 9mm bolt action pistol, a bt-410111-kit with built in suppressor.
  11. Broachoski

    The official "WTF" thread

    Yep! took lost of time to create a fake video.
  12. Broachoski

    Hall of shame

    You can never have too many ladders.
  13. Broachoski

    Police Helicopter Ride Along - Day or Night?

    Would be cool to check out their night vision toys.
  14. Broachoski

    Any creative ideas for fence mounting a dahua cam?

    I have seen several made from fence boards to resemble a bird house. There are members here on IPCT who have cameras disguised as bird houses. Here is a quick photo that I found to give you an idea.
  15. Broachoski

    Olden day Pictures

    Even worse, that meme is 5 years old.