Recent content by Bruce_H

  1. B

    Transfer of Blue Iris archive records

    I am pretty sure that if you delete them from BI, they will not magically reappear when the external drive is reattached, you can of course browse (with windows explorer) the files on the external disk and open them if you wish
  2. B

    What happened to my clips?

    Did you find the missing clips also?
  3. B

    What happened to my clips?

    Not sure if you know how to find the list, click and hold or right click on the file folder icon or on the left sidebar and select it from the list when it pops up in a second or two, I think that there is also a setting to determine of the canceled items show up in the "All clips" list or not...
  4. B

    AI Detecting potted plants - solved!

    I think that I found out how to do this, I realized that I had the "Default object detection" turned on in the AI tab of the main setting window, no more "potted plants" now only "nothing found" when no person is present
  5. B

    CPAI Version 2.6.5 - Error in Install ObjectDetectionYOLOv5Net: 404

    I have CPAI 2.6.5 installed and running, I had the Object Detection (YOLOv5 .NET) module installed, I then clicked the "Uninstall" to try using a different module and find that I can not install any other modules or even reinstall the module that I removed. The only way that I found to get...
  6. B

    Does Model Size matter?

    On my system the model size box is greyed out, How can I select a different model size?
  7. B

    AI Detecting potted plants - solved!

    I am running BI and AI version 2.6.5, I have only 3 cameras, AI detection is working fine as best as I can tell, when I look at the AI DAT file information it shows that it is finding "potted plants" The items are actually in the image, but why is it even checking for this object, can...
  8. B

    What happened to my clips?

    Are you looking in the "All clips" list, have you looked in the "Cancelled alerts" list?
  9. B

    Blue Iris playback recordings are really choppy

    Have you considered disabling some of the cameras temporarily to see if it can tell you if you have a CPU resource issue or not? Is the recording fine with only 1 or 2 cameras? If good how many cameras can you add back before the recording issue becomes apparent again!
  10. B

    Blue Iris RTSP Stream Logging Out

    Step one would be to turn off the auto update! and stick with doing updates manually, then you are less likely to get these sort of unexpected glitches. if you only apply updates that are marked as stable! Can you go back to the version that you had that was running fine to see if it resolves...
  11. B

    Blue Iris playback recordings are really choppy

    Have you looked at the "Status" window on the "Camera" tab to see what the actual FPS rate is that BI is seeing? Are you recording the main stream or the sub stream?
  12. B

    Blue Iris playback recordings are really choppy

    When I download the video, it is showing the car moving in a very choppy movement, is this what you are referring to?
  13. B

    Blue Iris playback recordings are really choppy

    How are you watching the video, via remote desktop or on the actual console of the virtual server? What happens if you export the video recording to another system, is it still choppy, the choppy playback might be caused by the virtual display driver.
  14. B

    Guidance Needed after Fried Computer

    How many cameras did you have on your old system that will determine if trying this process is worth the trouble The camera setting are found in the registry of the old computer at [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Perspective Software\Blue Iris\Cameras\ Have you ever used the windows registry...
  15. B

    False alert

    Can you reach the light and turn down the sensitivity a little bit discreetly?