Recent content by CamCrazy

  1. C

    OpenALPR Webhook Processor for IP Cameras

    Anyone having duplicate plates showing on latest release in Windows Docker??
  2. C

    Western Digital 'thumper' disks - PWL

    Suggest trying some high density foam, and/or a second layer of fibre. In practical terms, variation on a garden kneeling pad combined with some fibre style feet used on chairs to protect hard wood floors or similar :thumb: - relatively cheap solution, OK, they might not look great but certainly...
  3. C

    Western Digital 'thumper' disks - PWL

    The high density foam isolation works exceptionally well, but, the computer case feet are compressing it, thus reducing effectiveness. I will work on a solution where the foam and also possibly a fibre material is sandwiched between two solid wood or composite layers, this should spread the...
  4. C

    Western Digital 'thumper' disks - PWL

    Over the years, many drives installed for home and work, I find the better (5 year warrantied) drives always tend to be the noisiest, mostly at least. The purple drives are not bad compared to most, SSD will come down in time but it will be a few years yet for larger capacity.
  5. C

    Western Digital 'thumper' disks - PWL

    Thanks and yes, I have used various enterprise grade and surveillance rated drives over the years, once you isolate these thumping style drives they actually become quieter than the normal 'chatter' type drives, it is a low frequency vs high, not always easy to isolate though of course!
  6. C

    OpenALPR Webhook Processor for IP Cameras

    Did you make any further progress with the duplicates?
  7. C

    Latest release performance with Windows 11 Pro

    It is all HP Enterprise kit but yes indeed, could have been anything sadly, I think on this occasion I am going to blame the Hyper-V Manager Virtual Switch config, cannot really tie it in with much else. Cable I reconnected was Cat6 connecting BI computer to gigabit switch. Looking better now...
  8. C

    Latest release performance with Windows 11 Pro

    See comment above, must have been a bad week this end...always check gigabit ethernet is active :banghead:
  9. C

    Latest release performance with Windows 11 Pro

    Oh my goodness, must have been a long week! somehow gigabit ethernet was not active, simple cable out and cable back in, away we go. How embarrassing, classic wood for the trees scenario though, I will leave here for future reference if any poor sole gets bitten. What did I say my day job was...
  10. C

    Latest release performance with Windows 11 Pro

    OK, I am going off my head here, system seemed ok yesterday morning, mid afternoon, yellow exclamation marks all over, feeds dropping briefly then back again, errors 'check fps and key rates', 'get events error' and so on. Reset network, switches, router, ripped out BI and installed again...
  11. C

    Western Digital 'thumper' disks - PWL

    Recently switched to a 14TB WD white label (black/red?) drive for NVR storage in PC case, first time experiencing the thumping style drives. It appears the noise is the result of Premature Wear Levelling (PWL) which WD have seen fit to add on these units. Nice not to have the usual higher...
  12. C

    Latest release performance with Windows 11 Pro

    Thanks for that, feed has been solid on existing system, I am network/IT support day job so tend to go overboard on that side :lol: Good to hear you are using and that seems solid, I will move to that later and see how it goes.
  13. C

    Latest release performance with Windows 11 Pro

    Are you finding any particular version/release which is more stable at all, I am on at the moment, no particular reason, just the latest at time of initial install. Noticed a couple of gremlins when objects moves on particular camera, feed freezes then continues. I realise there is...
  14. C

    Moving flagged (stored) clips to a new machine

    I threw the towel in for now :lol: - exported critical flagged to avi/mp4 and got on with life. I will get over it in a month or two :rofl::lmao:
  15. C

    Moving flagged (stored) clips to a new machine

    Done, no dice until maybe the options to export flagged items appears on a future release, it was hinted. Just a pain really, means I either sit and wait or export the section of the bvr clip I need in another format. With 200+ flagged items that is a long job.