Recent content by carteriii

  1. C

    2023 and 2024 Models Update

    I offer a word of warning to people considering those cameras or any other new cameras that require IE . . . I was hesitant to buy my first thermal cameras since they only supported IE. I asked Andy about this, and Dahua told Andy that they would provide firmware updates for the first thermal...
  2. C

    Are surveillance microphones a thing?

    @aesterling @TRLcam How do you guys provide power to the microphones you use? Are you using a specific adapter that pulls power off the PoE line to the camera or ??? I've always been nervous about tapping into the PoE line so I've just never done it, in part because I haven't seen enough people...
  3. C

    which setting causes 5241E-Z12E blur with even slow motion?

    @AlwaysSomething you didn't show sharpness or saturation in your settings list above. If you look back at one of my previous messages in this thread, you'll see that I found those settings have a HUGE impact on the clarity. I found that I had dramatically better results with those values down in...
  4. C

    IPC-HDBW4231F-E2-M IPC-HX5X3X-Multi-Rhea_Eng_V2.622.0000000.38.R.211029 Dual lens Firmware

    I am not aware of any newer version for the 4231F-E2. I have version V2.840.0000000.27.R, Build Date: 2024-03-22 for the 5441F-AS-E2, but I am still on that 2021-10-29 version for the 4231F-E2
  5. C you agree with the advice I got from EmpireTech on camera selection?

    Short answer: the suggested cameras are great, and are effectively my default. I don't personally own the newer 8MP version, but I own several of the 4MP & earlier versions. FYI, you referred to both as "dome", but they are not domes and that means something else. You should refer to them more...
  6. C

    Blue Iris and CodeProject.AI ALPR

    I believe you're referring simply to the AI config setting of "Zoom-in to objects":
  7. C

    Worlds First Review - Dahua DH-IPC-PFW5849-A180-E2 - Dual Lens 180 Degree Full Color 4K (8MP Stitched) Camera

    Ah, I didn't realize that they could not even see IR. I just assumed that B&W mode would at least pick up those higher wavelengths but I guess that was a really bad assumption on my part. In that case, they definitely won't work for me. Thanks for that clarification.
  8. C

    Worlds First Review - Dahua DH-IPC-PFW5849-A180-E2 - Dual Lens 180 Degree Full Color 4K (8MP Stitched) Camera

    Are any of you using this or any of the newer dual lens cameras at night in B&W mode with external IR illuminators and if so, are they just as good as other cameras with similar sensors (like the IPC-HDW5231R-ZE & newer IPC-T54IR-ZEB-S3) with external IR illumination at night? What is the impact...
  9. C

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    Got it. It all goes back to the training of the model. Thanks.
  10. C

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    @wittaj As I hope you know, I agree with everything you said about cameras, optical zoom, etc. etc. Having said that, do you know why CP.AI drops the resolution by default? I realize there's a significant performance issue, but shouldn't that be left up to the client application to decide? If...
  11. C

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    I see exactly the same thing with your images, using both CodeProject.AI v2.5.4 and 2.6.2, so this does appear to be an issue with CodeProject.AI and I don't think it has anything to do with BlueIris (with the disclaimer that my wife says I'm often wrong). Perhaps CodeProject.AI is reducing the...
  12. C

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    Does CodeProject.AI explorer also fail on the full image? I ask to help determine whether the problem is CP.AI recognition, or perhaps BlueIris passing a lower-res version to CP.AI. If you're willing to share an attachment here (I assume an embedded image would get reduced) then others can...
  13. C

    better to reduce frame rate on camera or BI or both?

    Wow. I completely missed that the max FPS is only for USB cameras, and all mine are PoE. That implies I've been an idiot this whole time for no benefit :=) Thank you. Yes, I'm an old school photographer who definitely understands shutter speed vs. frame rate, so I generally max them both out...
  14. C

    better to reduce frame rate on camera or BI or both?

    I commonly reduce the frame rate of recordings in an attempt to save a bit of storage and/or bandwidth, particularly when the camera is just looking for humans walking at a moderate distance from the camera. By contrast, when I want to capture fast moving vehicles (LPR in particular) or wildlife...
  15. C

    config settings for new IPC-T541R-ZEB-S3

    I never want to contradict @wittaj on anything, but let me point out that the WDR (wide dynamic range) setting can be super useful at night in some situations, and this specific camera model with the large sensor handles it far better than other models. I have several cameras where the infrared...