Recent content by concord

  1. C

    Anyone still hunt? Camovue Trail/Wildlife LTE Cam

    Received an email from Reolink promoting the Camove with a 10% discount code (CMVTPAG10). Wonder if they recently already owned or acquired Camove? Did a cursory look and didn't see if they charge for the LTE service they provide, but would have been nice for pre-season to find a good tree...
  2. C

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

    Hey Texans, what's happening in the Texas State House? Sounds like you had a RHINO majority leader in the past and looked like a real conservative was likely to be the next majority leader, except a friend of the old leader jumped in at last minute (another RHINO apparently) and 31 Rs are...
  3. C

    Camhi Pro email issues

    Microsoft has given notices for several months that basic authentication will go away and you will need to set up OAuth2 authentication starting Sept. 16, 2024. So in order to use hotmail/outlook POP/IMAP and SMTP, you need OAuth2. If you are not able to use OAuth2 on cam, then you'll need...
  4. C

    Need help to smart analyze footage of camera

    Are you able to export the video into mp4, avi, or mkv, etc. file? If so, look into PySceneDetect, it may be able to narrow it down by listing times of when there is a change in the scene.... I've read about it, but never used it. Here is an example: There is...
  5. C

    Can't log in

    Looks like you are really proactive, I'm lazy just using the out of the box standard pfSense/pfBlockerNG list setup.
  6. C

    Can't log in

    Could be, what are you using to block? I just downloaded ublock origin for FF and turned on with all annoyances checked on, still able to log on...
  7. C

    Money & Economics

    It seems that the old benchmarks indicating a recession went out the window, because it wasn't a convenient time... prop it up and gaslight everyone to keep it going until after the election. I was all set last year for the recession to happen and have the market tank so I can start buying...
  8. C

    Can't log in

    Strange, I'm using Q4OS (Bookworm - Debian 12) and I'm able to log in using FF v131.0.2, and just tried Brave v1.70.126 (Chromium v129.0.6668.100) without issue. Downloaded and installed latest Chromium v129.0.6668.100 (latest version for linux) and I'm able to log into ipcamtalk.... Edit...
  9. C

    Here comes Milton…

    I guess no rocket launches going up this week! Was around the Cape area about 30 years ago. Just too hot and muggy for me (sweat like a pig); was taken to lunch outside and everyone was in a suit. Funny thing was, the guys from there seemed to be use to it.
  10. C

    2024 EmpireTech Autumn Sale Plan

    Andy, having email issues, I sent the info, but may go into your spam folder.
  11. C

    2024 EmpireTech Autumn Sale Plan

    Bought 4 tickets (9/16/2024) and bought two EmpireTech IPC-T54IR-AS-S3 cams (9/18) from I haven't received an email for my tickets, checked my spam folder too.
  12. C

    FYI: FBI disrupts Chinese cyber operation

    Very true, too generic. I looked at and I don't see it listed either, only the Volt Typhoon. Forget who I used to get alerts from when our group had are own T1 line, with Cisco router, firewall, etc. for our web server. Was vigilant in keeping them updated. Around 2009, our...
  13. C

    Two caps from last night

    What is he using and pointing with while riding bike? Thought maybe flashlight but didn't see anything light up.
  14. C

    FYI: FBI disrupts Chinese cyber operation

    The hacking campaign known as Flax Typhoon installed malicious software on thousands of internet-connected devices, including cameras, video recorders, and home and office routers, to create a massive botnet — a network of infected computers...
  15. C

    AD110 - Sub stream

    I see you have sub streams turned on, try accessing the main stream using VLC, then the sub stream. Note one of the guys in the link couldn't access it with VLC and ultimately did a full factory reset to get it to work...