Recent content by CrazyFin

  1. C

    Blue Iris UI3

    The dedicated app specially built for iOS devices to access Blue Iris video server: Blue Iris by Ken Pletzer Blue Iris on the App Store
  2. C

    Only Sent Out Email When Alarm Is Set

    @bp2008 Wohoooo! You nailed it! :) Separating the IP-addresses with comma fixed it. I can now send profile command changes from my mini MAC that runs home automation software Indigo Domotics and has access to the home alarm status. This is great!
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    Only Sent Out Email When Alarm Is Set

    Yepp, all my cable connected computers in my local lan are statically configured. I get the same problem when I try on the dedicated BI server. Since you also are on UI3 and do not get these problems I´ll check with @bp2008 if there is anything with the webserver files with UI3 that might cause...
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    Only Sent Out Email When Alarm Is Set

    @actran: Cooool! I had totally missed the carrot annotation method. :oops: I added two local IP addresses using the carrot annotation method and kept (as you showed in the screenshot above) the tick box for secure connections only enabled. However, when I try to send the switch profile...
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    Only Sent Out Email When Alarm Is Set

    Cool! Thanks for your reply! I am able to get it to work locally in my lan using either localhost : port/..... or locali : port/.... BUT I have to (as you mention) UNCHECK the tick box "Use secure session keys and login page" which is bad for me since I am using the Blue Iris remote access web...
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    Only Sent Out Email When Alarm Is Set

    @vwsplitty: Did you ever test it or figure it out? I am also looking to switch between three different profiles in Blue Iris: Profile 1: At home and alarm disable, no alerts needed Profile 2: At home and external alarm enabled (for example during night) Profile 3: Away and alarm fully armed. I...
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    Standalone Java app for dedicated live view with Instant Replay

    Would it be difficult to change the program so that it does not go into the camera zoom view for the camera being clicked on when BlueIrisViewer window is NOT the current active window? I.e. what I am trying to say is that if BlueIrisViewer is not the current active window and I click on any of...
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    Standalone Java app for dedicated live view with Instant Replay

    He he that was quick! And it works just beautifully! Thanks for adding F11 as a shortcut for switching borderless/windowed mode. Helped me lot. :-)
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    Standalone Java app for dedicated live view with Instant Replay

    I really enjoy this cool BlueIrisViewer Java app! I have my Blue Iris server running on dedicated hardware and that PC is connected to the same screen as my normal PC and the screen is a BENQ BL3200PT with 2560x1600 resolution. I have 4 different computers connected to this awesome screen and I...
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    I made a better remote-live-view page [OLD]

    New GUI is awesome and I have no problem at all logging in to BI and get ui2.htm as the default page when logging in from different computers locally within my LAN. The new GUI is really cool and slick! However, when I try to access BI remotely via WAN I do get the new and modern login page...
  11. C

    AXIS P3346-VE and P3364-VE has jumpy frames even though measuring network performance looks good

    Yepp, checking with Ken at BlueIris now. I´ll try to do a packet capture with Wireshark and see if I can see the blocksize parameter being sent. I did a new test 3-4 weeks ago with both Axis Station and Companion but they are experiencing same issues as I have with BlueIris (and other VMS...
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    AXIS P3346-VE and P3364-VE has jumpy frames even though measuring network performance looks good

    Firmware is the latest on all cameras. I confimed it by re-checking AXIS website. With ACC scripts, do you mean running own scripts that is available under the Advanced menu of the AXIS P3364-VE and P3346-VE? I have no add-on programs suchs as motion detection etc running on the cameras. All...
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    AXIS P3346-VE and P3364-VE has jumpy frames even though measuring network performance looks good

    Alright, after many weeks of more testing and discussions with AXIS tech support as well as cross-compiling an iPerf version suited for the AXIS P3346 and P3364 cameras I have found out the following: 1. When running iPerf in server mode ON the camera itself and NOT pulling a video stream while...
  14. C

    What is better for blueiris more cpu cores or GHz?

    Do you refer to my post number 60 on the previous page where I mention the Asrock J4205-ITX? According to the specs on their page it has both H.264 and H.265 hardware decoding and that it can cope with up to 48 IP cameras running H.265 feeds in 704x576 resolution (which is only 0.39MP camera)...
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    Exporting video only exports 1 frame

    Unfortunately I am not able to help you but I wanted to highlight that I had a similar issues like you have. My problem is/was that AVI exports did not generate a file at all or a file with zero size. When I seleced (as you have done above) MP4 format then it worked fine for me. Latest release...