Recent content by danzimmer

  1. D

    Cannot connect Chinese 360 IP cam through ONVIF

    Exactly the same model, after studying a lot I ended up discovering the open RTSP number 8554, and I asked for a password when manually adding it to the NVR, I discovered that the username is admin and the password is admin123456, even so it has some blocking that I was unable to connect to the NVR.
  2. D

    How to enable ONVIF/RTSP/etc on Alliexpress "V360 Pro" camera?

    Também tenho cinco câmeras deste aplicativo v360 pro, nada funciona, tentei RTSP mais nome de usuário e senha epde e tentei de tudo que era possível. Você achou alguma solução?
  3. D

    Cannot connect Chinese 360 IP cam through ONVIF

    yes, this is the port, when testing VLC using this protocol it asks for username and password, I have already tried everything possible, if anyone has been through this situation please help me. rtsp:/ Starting Nmap 7.94 ( Nmap: the Network Mapper - Free Security Scanner...
  4. D

    Cannot connect Chinese 360 IP cam through ONVIF

    I believe this email is support and from v380, my cameras are v360 pro, I tried the cashi.ini file and it didn't work either, my intention is to include them in the NVR, I scanned it and found the following ports open, but not I made sure to manually include it in the NVR. Attached is a scan...
  5. D

    Cannot connect Chinese 360 IP cam through ONVIF

    Yes, just the v360 pro app, the camera I found to be very cheap and with a very good image, serving my purposes, the bad thing is that I use NVR and every time I have to open the ridiculous app which keeps offering me clou second by second.
  6. D

    Cannot connect Chinese 360 IP cam through ONVIF

    Good morning, I bought 5 cameras of this model here according to the attached link, and I can only use the v360 pro app, I've tried everything to enable RTSP or another protocol so I can use it on the NVR smar, without success. In the information the device looks like this...