Recent content by darius

  1. darius

    Creating C# application using Hikvision SDK for DS-7116HVI-SL

    Oh my .... I found the problem, silly me :D Problem was that in struct was defined two properties that should not be in that struct. They are public byte byTimeType; and public uint dwEmployeeNo; Because those properties was in struct, size of struct does not fit required definition size...
  2. darius

    Creating C# application using Hikvision SDK for DS-7116HVI-SL

    Hi ARJunior, i modified struct as you suggested, but now i have to convert empty string to byte array of fixed length. When i do that it still throws same error code. I convert it with following code: byte[] cardNo = new byte[32]; cardNo = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(("").PadRight(32, '\0'))...
  3. darius

    Creating C# application using Hikvision SDK for DS-7116HVI-SL

    Hello everyone. Most of information written here was very useful. Thank's for that. Now i'm getting some problems with card reader access events. I always getting error 17 (Parameter error. Input or output parameters in the SDK API is NULL, or the value or format of the parameters does not match...