Recent content by Deadeye

  1. Deadeye

    BlueIris compatible doorbell camera recomendations

    Ok, I think I'm sold on the Reolink, but I'm going to try to see if I can get the POE running at my door (if I can run the cable).
  2. Deadeye

    BlueIris compatible doorbell camera recomendations

    I can't seem to find a wireless version on Amazon. This may just force me to spend some time fishing a wire to my front door. That outside wall is going to be hell.... But how is the "hub"? Does it need to be plugged in? That is essentially your door bell chime, right? So it has to be...
  3. Deadeye

    BlueIris compatible doorbell camera recomendations

    I'd LOVE a POE doorbell, but I don't think I could get a cable up to the doorbell location.
  4. Deadeye

    BlueIris compatible doorbell camera recomendations

    I ran into this review while searching: It recommends the Amcrest AD410 which (they say) works with BlueIris! They also say it's dual band which is GREAT because I just bought a 5Ghz Wimesh...
  5. Deadeye

    BlueIris compatible doorbell camera recomendations

    I've got a LaView LV-PDB1630 that I'm using for my front doorbell and it keeps dropping its connection so I'm losing a LOT of footage. I have a first-generation Hikvision DS-HD1 on the back door and it works great, but my only complaint was that the video quality/resolution isn't that clear...
  6. Deadeye

    Is there any way to see what the object size and contrast was that caused a trigger?

    Ok, I think I found it. For those who stumble upon this thread, you need to search the help file for "Testing & Tuning" exactly (you need the ampersand). The long and short of it is that you need to go to the playback of the camera you want to tune, right click and select "Testing and Tuning"...
  7. Deadeye

    Is there any way to see what the object size and contrast was that caused a trigger?

    I've got an automatic light that constantly triggers my cameras and sends me an alert. Is there any way to find out what the object size and contrast that triggered that alert, this way, I can just set it under that and stop it from being triggered just when the lights are going on/off?
  8. Deadeye

    Which zone does BI use for triggering?

    It sounds like that box is just for zone crossing though, no?
  9. Deadeye

    Which zone does BI use for triggering?

    Geeze, you reply fast! Even before I can ask the question. :lol: Ok, I changed the profile but it says that it's syncing with profile 1. I think I need to watch some more tutorials to understand these profiles as I think I'm treading too deep here as I'd like to keep it as simple as possible...
  10. Deadeye

    Which zone does BI use for triggering?

    Ah, the algorithm is by camera, not system wide. Yep, I see profile 1, but where can I say that profile 1 uses zone B (for example)?
  11. Deadeye

    Which zone does BI use for triggering?

    Oh yeah, I don't want to do any zone crossing (at least, not at this time). I looked through the profiles and couldn't find anything that would indicate a choice in zone to trigger, am I missing something? Also, not sure what you mean by changing the algorithm to simple. I'm guessing that it's...
  12. Deadeye

    Which zone does BI use for triggering?

    Ok, so what does it use if you don't check that "Object crosses zones" box?
  13. Deadeye

    Which zone does BI use for triggering?

    Hmm, I don't see anywhere you can change the zone that BI is watching for triggers. There's a field for zone crossing, but that's about it.
  14. Deadeye

    Which zone does BI use for triggering?

    You can do that? Where? I don't see any place to specify the zone to use for triggering. I can see at the bottom that the "active zone map" is \Motion, but I don't know which one that is.
  15. Deadeye

    Which zone does BI use for triggering?

    I noticed that BI has many zones, but I haven't been able to figure out which zone that BI uses to trigger. Is it Zone A? Or is it all zones (layered with the largest possible area selected)? I tried watching some tutorials, but they don't really outright say. One of the official BI videos...