Recent content by derekkoopowitz

  1. D

    Updated to the Latest Version of the Code Project,Server version: 2.9.5 Crashes each time object is detected

    I did a clean install (uninstall and deleted the folders) and it’s working just fine for me.
  2. D

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.9.0

    I will play around with the focus on Saturday...
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    CodeProject.AI Version 2.9.0

    Mixed results - see the attached. The first one gives a plate albeit the wrong first letter. The 2nd one nothing. The 5th image is the log and the 6th is my alerts folder with the 2 images listed showing the 2:33pm and 2:36pm images. I can send you those image directly if you'd like. The last...
  4. D

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.9.0

    Hey Mike, I downloaded and installed v2.9.4 today and I've got it up and running, however it isn't consistently identifying plates. I've attached my BI settings which seem to be working ok along with screenshots from CP.AI. Any help with this would be appreciated. BTW, I was running the old...
  5. D

    Blue Iris and CodeProject.AI ALPR

    See the attached screenshot... no joy. EDIT: I uninstalled ALPR - deleted the folder and then reinstalled ALPR. Installed Paddle manually and then did the install for the GPU version and this time it worked.
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    Blue Iris and CodeProject.AI ALPR

  7. D

    Blue Iris and CodeProject.AI ALPR

    I tried the above and got the following error: ERROR: Could not install packages due to an OSError: [WinError 5] Access is denied: 'c:\\program files\\codeproject\\ai\\modules\\alpr\\bin\\windows\\python39\\venv\\Lib\\site-packages\\paddle\\base\\libpaddle.pyd' Check the permissions. My...
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    Hi Mike, I upgraded my MB and added a GTX 1070 graphics card. ALPR had been working flawlessly...

    Hi Mike, I upgraded my MB and added a GTX 1070 graphics card. ALPR had been working flawlessly prior to the upgrade. After the upgrade - not at all. I tried uninstalling everything and deleted all the folders and reinstalled the latest version of Codeproject.AI. When ALPR installed I got the...
  9. D

    Issue with multiple Reolink cameras and BI causing image corruption/smearing

    I bought one of their bullet cameras over a year ago to try it out and had all sorts of issues with the camera losing connectivity all the time. I asked them if there was a firmware upgrade and they asked me why I would need one. Right then I knew they were full of BS... and so is the camera...
  10. D

    IPC-HDW5231R-ZE stopped working

    Now that I know I don't have to use the splitter - everything will fit in there! I thought it would fit the splitter and it didn't... but now everything will be totally wrapped and hidden. :-)
  11. D

    IPC-HDW5231R-ZE stopped working

    It looks like it...
  12. D

    IPC-HDW5231R-ZE stopped working

    I have a POE switch. So are you saying that I don't need the splitter and can plug the cat6 cable directly into the cable port for the camera? I thought one had to split it to provide the power to the camera at that point.
  13. D

    IPC-HDW5231R-ZE stopped working

    Thanks Andy! I'm good to go... see above for the problem.
  14. D

    IPC-HDW5231R-ZE stopped working

    So it turns out that some moisture did get into the splitter that takes the power to the camera. I put a new splitter in and everything is working again. See the attached pictures for the camera placement, camera connectors, splitter that plugs into the camera connectors, and then the splitter...
  15. D

    IPC-HDW5231R-ZE stopped working

    It's going to have to wait until the weekend to take a picture of the connection - since I leave when it's dark and come home when it's dark. It's under an eave located above my garage door. Yeah, I misspoke - I typed router but meant switch. The cable was purchased - not built, so no...