Recent content by Dimitris St

  1. Dimitris St

    Meisort Y203S

    As you see my friend i use the address "rtsp://admin:IPADDRESS:8001/0/avN" and it works, i hope thath will work for you also. Also i know this camera is not the best but i bough it form ebay for 7 euro, so ...
  2. Dimitris St

    Meisort Y203S

    lol! I cannot turn also the camera, if i want to turn it i connect to the Chinese program through Internet and then i disconnect.
  3. Dimitris St

    Meisort Y203S

    I believe it might not be a camera issue, mine works perfectly with my NAS surveillance station , i have locked her to get always the same IP from my router. Is it possible to have her by mistake to obtain the same IP address as something else in your network?
  4. Dimitris St

    Meisort Y203S

    Oh my god , it worked!!!! rtsp:// admin no password YOU ARE A GOD MAN, thank you!!!
  5. Dimitris St

    Meisort Y203S

    First of all thanks for the reply friend. First i tried nmap -AT4 and i got Starting Nmap 7.60 ( Nmap: the Network Mapper - Free Security Scanner ) at 2018-01-09 16:40 GTB Standard Time Nmap scan report for ( Host is up (0.035s latency). Not shown: 995...
  6. Dimitris St

    Meisort Y203S

    By the way works, its not RTSP that i wanted but its a way to look at my camera via PC (sadly through Internet again) without installing this crappy Software on my phone. So it's something. Thanks for the info man.
  7. Dimitris St

    Meisort Y203S

    Thanks for your replay my friend. So i can use it differently with another software?And how?
  8. Dimitris St

    Meisort Y203S

    I see, i will take a look there , thank you for your advice my friend
  9. Dimitris St

    Meisort Y203S

    Hello guys, i bought this camera to use it as a baby monitor. The problem is that i can only watch in from my mobile phone and not from a PC because it does not provide an rtsp address/linux username and password or a configuration programm , i can only connect from a smart phone via a chinese...