Recent content by drjjr

  1. D motion overlays/motion zones problems

    Duh...figured it out...Somewhere I checked the "test run video through motion detector" and it has been doing that since then.
  2. D motion overlays/motion zones problems

    I just updated to and I notice on my alert clips that motion is highlighted regardless of my setting and that the clips from a camera where I have a motion zone defined only shows the detection zone in the clip. The rest is blacked out.
  3. D update - new triggered+continuous record setting

    Thank you. Being new to all of this I just assumed I'd made a mistake somewhere.
  4. D update - new triggered+continuous record setting

    So I thought I have my camera set up correctly. It shows both main stream and sub stream in the General tab, I do not have "triggered+continuous" as an option for recording. I do have "continuous+alerts" I do have "record dual-streams if available" checked. What do I have wrong?