Recent content by EACSI-OK

  1. E

    Blue Iris Updates - Official Thread

    Checked the cams and all Audio was already disabled. Still having the trouble of losing all of the Foscam FI89x cams 1 to 2 times per day to the point of rebooting them. I do have some new (old) cameras coming ... tired of fighting with it.
  2. E

    Blue Iris Updates - Official Thread

    Well - more news no my disappearing cameras problem after a week of monitoring. I let things run for a while longer without any significant problems. Friday I decided to make a new group and camera arrangement. To do this you of course go to the camera settings, modify the group and save...
  3. E

    Blue Iris Updates - Official Thread

    Well, I went up to version UI3v253 and seem to have all of the controls I want so far TimeLine Individual Group Camera Arrangements I did determine the problem with the cameras not coming up or showing the wrong camera when clicking on a camera for control - apparently, it messes up...
  4. E

    Blue Iris Updates - Official Thread

    Thank you! Sound like I have some playing to do ... and some patience to learn. This will work well as I have many different viewing devices and can adjust each station and group for each such as tablets, phones, big screens, etc. I don't do well with change :) Gonna stick with 5.6 for a...
  5. E

    Blue Iris Updates - Official Thread

    I have been running on UI3 version 70, Blue Iris version: for a few years and have been very satisfied with the software, but reluctant to upgrade knowing there would be bugs. I attempted to upgrade to a newer version with UIv253 a couple of years ago but didn't like the way the...