Recent content by eeps24

  1. E

    Can I replace my lorex nvr with a dahua nvr? (and still use my lorex cameras)

    Thank you for your reply. 1. Interesting about the lorex maxing out at 80Mpbs comment, Is that combined total bandwidth from all camera's? I have 8 camera's. Is this related to the "bit streaming" option? 2. If I did a blue Iris setup, would I still need to use the NVR because all of my...
  2. E

    Can I replace my lorex nvr with a dahua nvr? (and still use my lorex cameras)

    I just found out dahua purchased lorex. I currently have a lorex system, to be honest, I am not crazy about the NVR software. Am I able to purchase a dahua nvr and replace my current lorex NVR (and still use my lorex camera's?) I have the NR9082 NVR I have two types of cam's... 1. LNB4421B 2...
  3. E

    4K IP Cam (do I need 4k screen to get benefit?)

    ok , maybe ill do 4k @ 15 FPS
  4. E

    4K IP Cam (do I need 4k screen to get benefit?)

    lorex is offering a camera 4k @ 30FPS....based on what your saying..these high FPS is not worth it correct? I dont care for space (not an issue)... if I can run 4k@ 30FPS why not right? THey do offer a 4k @15 FPS as well..
  5. E

    should I make all my cameras record in h.265?

    my lorex system and camera's (2K @20FPS) support h.265. Should I just enable them all to record at h.265?
  6. E

    I can use different software for my NVR?

    Looking on this forum, I see people talking about blue iris, other software,etc. I’m slightly confused....I have a lorex system and use the lorex software on my PC and iPhone to interact with my NVR. 1. Are we able to interact with our NVR via 3rd party software? I never knew this. 2. What...
  7. E

    Dahua 4k system vs lorex or Montague? 1200 budget

    What kind of resources? I mean.. what’s really the benefit recording at lower FPS? Also can you please elaborate regarding bitrate? I’ve seen it in my settings. I figured higher is better
  8. E

    4K IP Cam (do I need 4k screen to get benefit?)

    I don’t plan on zooming in. I’m talking about just purely visual quality. Is it worth getting 4K without a 4K display?
  9. E

    Dahua 4k system vs lorex or Montague? 1200 budget

    why did you go low on your FPS? i would think 30 FPS is superior? is it because you have low disk space?
  10. E

    3D Printed Dome Camera Rain Guard Shield!

    your second video...whatt cam is that? the video quality is soooo smooth.
  11. E

    4K IP Cam (do I need 4k screen to get benefit?)

    I want to get a lorex 4k@30FPS bullet camera. Then I thought to myself, I dont have a 4k TV. I wont reap the benefit of this camera then correct?
  12. E

    Ring cams a replacement for traditional system?

    hello, first time user. Does anyone think the ring cameras are a replacement for a traditional camera security system ? (Not high end, regular residential system) there is the ring doorbell and now the ring floodlights. I say no but curious to know what everyone thinks.