Recent content by evercleardoc

  1. evercleardoc

    Deepstack on two computers - one stream - different results.

    Thanks for the input. Very much appreciated. Here are snips from the log file: The Intel i7 8550U laptop's deepstack performance is as follows (CPU usage is 20%-99% from 1.8ghz-4ghz, ram is 90%): 0 8/7/2021 8:46:33.089 AM Entryway DeepStack: person:88% [844,236 1171,743]...
  2. evercleardoc

    Deepstack on two computers - one stream - different results.

    So I am new here and have been toying with BI and just got deepstack to work. I have two machines - one is the one that I plan to run 24/7 and another one that I will use as my daily driver to VPN into the other machine. The 24/7 is the BI machine - It is a laptop with Core i7 8550U with 8GB...