Recent content by First-World-Problems

  1. F

    Starting out with a system. Is going with used a good or bad idea? Have a list of potential hardware.

    Thanks for all the info. I’ll scratch those. It looks like I’d probably have to go new. The 4mp 1.8 cameras were the only ones I’ve found for sale with decent specs. I’d be ok with leaving the leds turned on, but It would be good to have a IR option. That may be why he changed those out. one of...
  2. F

    Starting out with a system. Is going with used a good or bad idea? Have a list of potential hardware.

    thanks for that info, I hadn’t found that about the exposure change from motion lights.
  3. F

    Starting out with a system. Is going with used a good or bad idea? Have a list of potential hardware.

    I was thinking a 4mp 1/1.8, F1 would be decent. Also has colorvu. I’m also going to wire in motion lights at most of the camera locations to supplement any needed light. Nine of those would cover pretty much everything I need the others would be secondary areas to create overlap. Possibly some...
  4. F

    Starting out with a system. Is going with used a good or bad idea? Have a list of potential hardware.

    Hello, I’m looking to wire up my home with cameras while doing an addition. I love to hunt down deals but I’m not sure if it’s the best idea with Poe cameras. From my research they can be finicky to get connected and possibly brick with firmware updates. I’m pretty tech savvy though and have...