Recent content by genesant

  1. G

    Expecting to much

    I agree with this completely. Lots of good information in this thread from many contributors and I certainly appreciate the time all of you put into the good advice.
  2. G

    Hikvision 4K IP Turret playback

    For what it is worth mine are the 2385 and yes they are 20FPS. I had also tried 15FPS with similar poor results on playback when the iframe was still set at the default of 50. Either frame rate works fine when set with the identical iframe rate. The Frame Rate setting on my NVR, at the high...
  3. G

    Hikvision 4K IP Turret playback

    Pablo777 - Did you try changing I Frame yet to see if it fixed your problem like it did for me? CoreyX64 - The 4.21.005 was not showing on the USA Hik site when I did my upgrade (maybe they had issues with it) but it is back now. Do you like the Version 4 changes?
  4. G

    Hikvision 4K IP Turret playback

    I recently upgraded the NVR firmware from V3.4.3 build 161217 to V3.4.92 build 170518 on my Hik DS-7716NI-14/16P. After that the 4K cameras had the issue you are talking about but the 2MP and 4MP cameras did not have the playback issue. What fixed the issue for me was to match the I Frame...
  5. G

    IR light - 5 model comparison

    I'm including 5 pictures with me walking ~25' away from the camera taken on the same night so you can see what happens with a person in the picture. Lights one and two were so hot at the center that the AGC of the camera backed off significantly and the surrounding items got darker. It was not...
  6. G

    IR light - 5 model comparison

    For those that don't have problems with bugs it could be related to your climate. I live in Oregon near a slough and lots of bugs in the area love to fly in front of the cameras at night and out of 7 cameras I was averaging two per night getting spider webs in front of the lenses using the...
  7. G

    IR light - 5 model comparison

    You are correct. I goofed and light number 4 is the IR6 and I will try to correct the post. Good eye. Thanks.
  8. G

    IR light - 5 model comparison

    I've been mostly lurking here for awhile and decided to contribute. I've been testing and installing IP cameras at my house the last few months. One Axis and 6 different models of LTS and have found that spiders irritate the hell out of me. After trying auxiliary IR lighting near a couple...
  9. G

    Tool of the Day - MagnePull

    My son always gave me crap about keeping my splintering fiberglass rods too long instead of replacing them. Glad to see I'm not the only one.