Recent content by heaky

  1. heaky

    Program for flipping cameras to day/night on Linux

    Looked in the NVR and cameras, but do not have a Bridge option in the SWITCH tab. Is it true that the NVR has a private network with the IP cameras in the range 10.1.1.x and my normal LAN network is on 192.168.30.x. However, when I go through the NVR to a camera's configuration page...
  2. heaky

    Program for flipping cameras to day/night on Linux

    Here I experience something that others may recognize... In Linux, if I issue the command "curl -g --digest -u user:password "http://x.x.x.x:10081/cgi-bin/configManager.cgi?action=setConfig&VideoInOptions[0].NightOptions.SwitchMode=1" " , then I get the answer: "curl: (56) Recv failure...