Recent content by jhanson999

  1. J

    Sweet! LTS is releasing an ONVIF compatible doorbell with SD card slot and 940nm IR

    I unplugged the IR leds as well and the image is so much better.
  2. J

    Sweet! LTS is releasing an ONVIF compatible doorbell with SD card slot and 940nm IR

    Can you please explain/show how you wired up the ELK-930? I've been trying to get a reliable notification to my zwave setup for weeks and haven't had any luck. I've tried the ELK-390, the RIBU1C, with and without a resistor, in series, in parallel, with and without the mechanical chime, etc...
  3. J

    bricked foscam fi9828p

    I got it, thanks!
  4. J

    bricked foscam fi9828p

    Sorry to revive a 2 year old thread, but I have a bricked FI9821w v2. I have the usb ftdi cable hooked up and communicating, tftp server setup, but I am in need of the recover_image.bin file. Does anyone still have the files or access/info on where to get them?
  5. J

    New guy from PA

  6. J

    Escam RT-IPC (telnet) login?

    username root password xmhdipc worked for me, thanks!