Recent content by John.McClane

  1. John.McClane


    I found it, thanks!
  2. John.McClane


    Thank you for the update, very useful! I am on the Hikvision portal, looking at this firmware, but it shows a different build - V5.8.0_221108 - see below screenshot. Is this the one you downloaded?
  3. John.McClane

    Storage configuration

    polite bump^
  4. John.McClane

    Storage configuration

    With apologies for reviving an old thread, are the storage principles described here still up to date for BI 5? I have 6 cameras, 4 running at 5mp 15fps, 2 at 2mp 15fps. My BI PC has a 256GB NVME SSD for Windows (C:) and BI5 and a 6TB surveillance drive for footage (D:). Below is what I...
  5. John.McClane


    Thanks Brink_of_Sweden! This is useful info - the video seems easy to follow. I'm still deciding about biting the bullet by going for the firmware update and risking bricking the camera. Did you set up yours the same? Also, the camera in the video, albeit following the same principle, is much...
  6. John.McClane


    I just sourced a used DS-2DE4A425IW-DE locally It appears to have very old firmware - live view is not available in Chrome, even with the Hikvision plugin. I have to use the IE Tab extension. And by God, is the image crisp! Below are my version and the PTZ menu - thinking of upgrading to...
  7. John.McClane

    Warning triangle on one camera - BI5

    My apologies, I was on VBR indeed. Having changed so many settings I got confused. Very good to know the Key alert range, thank you. 3 mammoth task remain: 1. Setting up storage properly; 2. Remote access (most likely with ZeroTier) 3. Start learning alerts and how to set them up properly...
  8. John.McClane

    Warning triangle on one camera - BI5

    Yeah, exactly that. It was going away for a second, then coming back. Stable now!
  9. John.McClane

    Warning triangle on one camera - BI5

    Having changed from CBR to VBR Rate, while on 60hz, BI now shows the same 0.33 Key, but the warning triangle is gone. :ipct: This is at 15 FPS and 15 KEY for both Main and Sub Streams I'm afraid this is as far as I can push this camera stability-wise. BI is happy with it, and so am I. Thanks...
  10. John.McClane

    Warning triangle on one camera - BI5

    Some progress - managed to get the Key to climb to 0.33 stable by switching from 50hz to 60hz. Yellow triangle still there, but getting closer. The experiments continue
  11. John.McClane

    Warning triangle on one camera - BI5

    This was the initial setting
  12. John.McClane

    Warning triangle on one camera - BI5

    You're absolutely right! No Signal is 1 for this camera Checked the box for save to file too, will see if I uncover more clues Thank you!
  13. John.McClane

    Warning triangle on one camera - BI5

    Thanks, Mike and wittaj VBR now selected for both main and sub-streams Unfortunately, it made no difference to the KEY value - still hovering around 0.11 - 0.12 (I restarted the camera in BI a few times to make sure it picks up the updated settings) Could these settings be useful? No idea...
  14. John.McClane

    Warning triangle on one camera - BI5

    Hi all, I have 6 cameras on BI 5 - 5 POE and one WIFI (no other option) The WIFI one (SV3C C-11 UK) shows a Warning Triangle I've been trying to troubleshoot for the past few hours. This is what it looks like Log is clear Hardware Decode is off I think I may have narrowed it down to a...
  15. John.McClane

    High-up Driveway Cameras - thanks for your help

    Thank you! A lot of reading materials to go through - I'll take them one by one.