Recent content by langeveld024

  1. langeveld024

    cpu utilization of BI process rises up to 100%

    Thank you for your reply. In my case the amount of ram used by blueiris.exe was normal - around 1100mb In fact, all other processes where using normal ram, yet my ram usage was increasing after 2~3 days. (Ram didn't add up) A reboot fixed it every time though, so I just set my system to do a...
  2. langeveld024

    cpu utilization of BI process rises up to 100%

    Like a lot of you, my i5-6600 setup suffered 99% ram usage after a few days running blue iris on the microsoft updated driver (i dont remember which version number) so i downgraded the driver and installed the 4664 driver. Now ram usage is creeping up to 78% after a few days. hardware...
  3. langeveld024

    ds-2cd2345fwd-i strange problem (video)

    @Will.I.Am i did swap the camera's but it did not make any difference. the recording on h264 where fine except for the pulsating effect on the 4mp IPC. the grey/green video artifacts only started in h265. i think i found the cause now lol @SouthernYankee @catcamstar my setup was as follows: IPC...
  4. langeveld024

    ds-2cd2345fwd-i strange problem (video)

    ah of course now the grey residual part of the image is showing up in the recordings, right after my last post. this is what the video looks like when there is sudden motion. before the motion video looks fine. any clue on what could be causing this? i have the framerate and i-frame both set...
  5. langeveld024

    ds-2cd2345fwd-i strange problem (video)

    hi there, i can confirm the problem is no longer present while using h265. at first the recordings made using the h265 codec showed the residual part (grey screen) and sometimes a half green screen, until i discovered the nvr changed the bitrates instantly to the highest bitrate whenever i...
  6. langeveld024

    ds-2cd2345fwd-i strange problem (video)

    H265 seems much better, will do some more testing and report back. The 4mp cam is mounted in the spot where the 8mp came from. Both are now pointed at the same wall and same distance. I switched the cams a few times already but it did not help for the 4mp cam. Regards,
  7. langeveld024

    ds-2cd2345fwd-i strange problem (video)

    the strange thing is, i have one ds-2cd2385fwd-i running the same settings (except for resolution and bitrate obviously) and this 8mp cam is working perfectly fine.
  8. langeveld024

    ds-2cd2345fwd-i strange problem (video)

    here you go: what do you mean by smart codex? are those the smart event detection settings?
  9. langeveld024

    ds-2cd2345fwd-i strange problem (video)

    i have been playing for hours with the cams settings but did not came across anything like auto-focus, or focus at all. this camera is with a fixed lens. did you have the same artifacts before on a different cam?
  10. langeveld024

    ds-2cd2345fwd-i strange problem (video)

    edit: this is happening in h264 recordings too.
  11. langeveld024

    ds-2cd2345fwd-i strange problem (video)

    Hi there, first time poster here. i have a ds-2cd2345fwd-i cam producing some sort of distortion/correcting all over the video for a few seconds and then the video gets sharp again. im not sure how to call it if there's a name for it so i attached a video. This happens when recording in h264+...