Recent content by LeidenSpain

  1. L

    Hello all! New to IP Cameras with a few questions (Specifically Imou Ranger SE 4MP)

    No other icon is seen (only what is seen in the screenshot). But according to official information from IMOU, it does have ONVIF
  2. L

    Hello all! New to IP Cameras with a few questions (Specifically Imou Ranger SE 4MP)

    Don't work. ODM searches for the video in the wrong path
  3. L

    Hello all! New to IP Cameras with a few questions (Specifically Imou Ranger SE 4MP)

    Sorry, the problema was now on VLC (in the last conections links, it's forgot the last 0). Then, the solution: to use the RTSP the url is this: rtsp:/
  4. L

    Hello all! New to IP Cameras with a few questions (Specifically Imou Ranger SE 4MP)

    I don't know if it was due to the reboot, but using this method now works (I swear I tried it before) rtsp:/admin:PASSWORD@192.168.XXX.XXX:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0 Thank you very much for all the help and patience P.S.: clearly the information from Connect to Imou IP Cameras is...
  5. L

    Hello all! New to IP Cameras with a few questions (Specifically Imou Ranger SE 4MP)

    Yes, I have searched for a lot of information in many places:
  6. L

    Hello all! New to IP Cameras with a few questions (Specifically Imou Ranger SE 4MP)

    Not really, but I'm going to try it and see how it goes. I keep you informed
  7. L

    Hello all! New to IP Cameras with a few questions (Specifically Imou Ranger SE 4MP)

    sorry, this is de nmap to all the ports nmap --script rtsp-url-brute Starting Nmap 7.95 ( ) at 2024-06-16 09:37 CEST Nmap scan report for Camara-Comedor.lan ( Host is up (0.020s latency). Not shown: 996 closed tcp ports (conn-refused) PORT STATE...
  8. L

    Hello all! New to IP Cameras with a few questions (Specifically Imou Ranger SE 4MP)

    I used the command indicated in this post: nmap --script rtsp-url-brute -p 554 Starting Nmap 7.95 ( ) at 2024-06-16 09:22 CEST Nmap scan report for Camara-Comedor.lan...
  9. L

    Hello all! New to IP Cameras with a few questions (Specifically Imou Ranger SE 4MP)

    OK, I have managed to connect (it even shows me the camera preview), but the video keeps giving me an error. Ah, the PTZ works
  10. L

    Hello all! New to IP Cameras with a few questions (Specifically Imou Ranger SE 4MP)

    Thank you, It's the one I've been using since the beginning (well, and then many different ones to try) but nothing. it does not work. The password is surely correct because I have connected through SmartPSS without problems. and user admin Your input can't be opened: VLC is unable to open the...
  11. L

    Hello all! New to IP Cameras with a few questions (Specifically Imou Ranger SE 4MP)

    Hi, Sorry for bringing up this topic after so long. I've been trying to connect to the camera via RTSP with VLC for several days, but I can't. What path did you use?