Recent content by MacFun

  1. M

    Dahua NVR Setup Issues...

    What are the basic procedures to install a late model Dahua 5-series NVR? My current issues are: -Unit Beeps. The beeps are a sequence of 4 beeps (long-short-long-short). I assume this is HDD related and that the drive cannot be seen. -Password Error. After initialization, with ConfigTool on...
  2. M

    Headless NVR Configuration & Administration?

    Can a standalone, appliance-style NVR (Dahua or Hikvision) be configured initially and administered as a headless (without a monitor, keyboard or mouse) device? Thanks, R
  3. M

    Are the rebranded Dahua cams via Empire B-Stock?

    Are the rebranded Dahua cams via Empire B-Stock? I was recently examining a recent crop of cameras via EmpireTech where the following was noted: -There was dirt in the paint… -There was dirt behind the lens…. -The internal gasket was deformed on one cam… Where is Dahua QC? -The...
  4. M

    Where to buy International Dahua Security Products?

    Nope.... Seeking International products only....
  5. M

    Where to buy International Dahua Security Products?

    Where to buy International Dahua Security Products? I know it’s blasphemous to suggest that we question A***Cams or Emp*reTech but hear me out. What if I wanted, Dahua cams (and other gear) with the: -Dahua Logo… -Dahua firmware… -Dahua box… -Dahua sticker that shows: model...
  6. M

    Locating New Dahua Cam on the LAN (Not:

    Can you do the factory reset in the software? Is there only one way?
  7. M

    Locating New Dahua Cam on the LAN (Not:

    Problem Solved! There was a wiring problem..... the wiring inside my head!! :) R
  8. M

    Locating New Dahua Cam on the LAN (Not:

    Yes, but as originally stated.... I want to know the current IP address and not interested in a factory reset at this time. Was there no way?
  9. M

    Apple TV Viewing of Cam Streams?

    My crappy old Macintosh is not new enough to run Streamie.... might there be a Linux solution too....?
  10. M

    Locating New Dahua Cam on the LAN (Not:

    I have a Dahua cam this suppose to be new but I was not able to reach it via after changing my host machine to that same subnet. Now I'm curious, I would like to know the current IP address of this device. How might I reveal the current, apparently fixed, IP address? BTW: I tried...
  11. M

    S3 animal detection

    Does it not seem strange that Dahua is just getting Animal detection when Arlo had this in 2018? Yes I know there are benefits to the 5442 lineup.... but the smart features that do: pets vehicles and packages have been implemented by others 6 years ago. Am I missing something? R
  12. M

    Apple TV Viewing of Cam Streams?

    I’m not sure if this is a camera or NVR functionality, I think that either could be the source. So, how might I get my Dahua cameras to show their stream on my AppleTV? Thanks, r
  13. M

    S3 animal detection

    Hi SteveFromTexas this is RobFromTexas. I just ordered a few T54IR cams…. I don’t recognize this model Number of: IPC-T54IR-ZEB-S3. What is this? ZEB? thanks r