Recent content by Mad_Marik

  1. Mad_Marik

    Blue Iris and CodeProject.AI ALPR

    Ya going to have to tapout on this, beyond my skillset and time, tried a few different things that you and chatgpt suggested, no joy. Anyways thx for the replies
  2. Mad_Marik

    Blue Iris and CodeProject.AI ALPR

    I am running yolo 5 on my boxes, do we think there will be a patch or something to this? Or we will have to do this manually
  3. Mad_Marik

    Blue Iris and CodeProject.AI ALPR

    I'll give it a shot thx a ton!
  4. Mad_Marik

    Blue Iris and CodeProject.AI ALPR

    As a add-on to this issue, I notice the License Plate Reader module keeps turning off as well, Failed to Start notice. Tried uninstall re-install, get error 404. Then do a full reinstall and I can load the module again, but keep stopping. Tried the DO NOT USE DOWNLOAD CACHE option as well, no...
  5. Mad_Marik

    Blue Iris and CodeProject.AI ALPR

    Getting a error using ALPR, AI Plates: Error 1. Flashes this error then goes away, no plate is logged. Seems to be doing the job, but not getting the plate info Can anyone point me in a direction? Thanks for anytime you give this matter.
  6. Mad_Marik

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.5

    Absolutely, how active the cams are would certainly affect things, I was just curious if anyone was running a larger system and what experience they are having. I will definitely use the calculator tho, I appreciate the response. Did not realize that was there.
  7. Mad_Marik

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.5

    Do we have any idea what a camera count would be (generally) for a AI server? Meaning, (40) camera per server, etc. Using a mid to high box, say r7 with 32gb and a SSD. I mean, I have one running (15) cams currently, but I am about to install a 100ish cam system and was curious if anyone else...
  8. Mad_Marik

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.5

    Could be a kid in a cat suit... And the AI is way ahead of the game!
  9. Mad_Marik

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.5

    Thanks for the great work Mike.
  10. Mad_Marik

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    Regarding the MESH. Here is what I notice, when running (3) mesh'd systems, one of the systems has BI on it. It feels like its not actually selecting the most efficient box, more just using whichever one was spun up online first. I mean it sees them, and if the one spun first went offline it...
  11. Mad_Marik

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    Where is this report located in the system? Thx
  12. Mad_Marik

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    Clear browser cache and try again. THats what worked for me heh. Mike told me ;)
  13. Mad_Marik

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    Got it running on (4) boxes now on my LAN, very easy... Most impressive... Great job @MikeLud1 !!!!
  14. Mad_Marik

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    Do we have any ratio testing for the mesh system. I kinda like where this is going, meaning, if say your current AI OD took 300ms on average, and you add a second box's (same specs as first box) CPAI to it, do we have any sort of idea what kind of % we would be shaving off the OD ms? 10,20,30%...
  15. Mad_Marik

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    Thanks a ton for that.