Recent content by Matto1111

  1. Matto1111

    One and done camera solutions for store security?

    Let me describe our business to provide some context. We operate out of a 850sqft commercial slot in a strip mall, so we should be able to operate with the 8 cameras we have, but the problem is the focal length and resolution. In the humidor, we have 2 cameras, and I have no idea how or why...
  2. Matto1111

    One and done camera solutions for store security?

    Ooh, I like this. I like it a lot. If our system could recognize people we have marked as undesirable and alert us with an audible sound when they came in, we could hover over them like helicopter clerks and generally make it impossible to steal, and ring them up for the stuff they stole last...
  3. Matto1111

    One and done camera solutions for store security?

    That was one of the first things we did in the renovation we did a couple years ago. LED drop-ceiling lights are great to replace the old T-12 monstrosities!
  4. Matto1111

    One and done camera solutions for store security?

    Thanks for the reply. I was being facetious about the barcodes. I just need enough resolution to be able to see how many cigars were in a box before someone stuck his paws into it and after, and a clear shot of him stuffing it in his pocket. Sadly, it was all I could do to install the system...
  5. Matto1111

    One and done camera solutions for store security?

    Hey all, Looking for 2 solutions for a small tobacco shop. We have a problem with thieves. Yesterday was the last straw that convinced us that our Night Owl system is doomed to the scrap heap. We have two cameras in the humidor, and caught a guy shoving cigars in his pockets. The cameras...