
On January 23rd, 2020 a cancer tumor on my lower spine, T-6 T-7 T-8 and T-9, caused T-8 to implode smashing my spinal cord and instantly paralyzing me from the waist down… The pain was unreal so they set me up to get palliative beam radiation again to help relieve the pain. That took two weeks of radiation to solve the pain problem. It also shrunk the tumor enough to take some pressure off the spinal cord a little and I regained some movement in my legs but control and strength is just not there!
The cancer is everywhere in my body and is just a matter of time before it kills me by taking out something that I can’t recover from.

So, I wait and try to enjoy the time that Peggy (my wife of 53 years) and I still have.
Belle, Missouri
Mark Schultz


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