Recent content by njnetman

  1. njnetman

    Huisun Password reset

    Paying it back... Issue Resolved: My issue can best be identified by: The PTZ motors doing a very short initialization movement every 15-20 seconds. The IP is ping-able, and the web interface is responsive but you cannot log in and get a 'Network anomaly' error. The telnet interface worked...
  2. njnetman

    Huisun Password reset

    Thank you those who PM'd me. I can finally start digging into this a bit. I'll be sure to share anything interesting I find.
  3. njnetman

    Huisun Password reset

    Any help with that root password would be appreciated.
  4. njnetman

    Huisun Password reset

    Hey Members, I've been locked out of a recently purchased 4MP 10x PTZ with a "Network Anomaly" error. I tested the camera out of the box; it seemed to be working fine, so I mounted it outside and configured the settings. I made a lot of configuration changes, and pretty much set up the whole...