Recent content by nmwhitneyjr

  1. nmwhitneyjr

    Camera location/type query

    I recently recapped a Fisher 800c, replaced the roached output tubes and hooked up my gen1 Heresys. Playing .flac files through a tube hybrid DAC had me ready to be raptured.
  2. nmwhitneyjr

    Camera location/type query

    Lovely... another addiction to complement my tube radio addiction, my vintage/antique fan addiction, my Porsche addiction and my re-discovered Lego addiction.
  3. nmwhitneyjr

    Camera location/type query

    Ended up getting a refurb Dell sffpc with an i7 8700, 16gb ram, 256gb ssd, a 3tb hdd and win11 pro. It was considerably less than getting what I needed to use my old gpu and cpu. Building my test rig tomorrow with the suggested T54IR-ZE cam. I'll replace the hdd with a larger surveillance...
  4. nmwhitneyjr

    What cha listening to?

    Last few days I've been listening to this album by Paddy Keenan, Uilleann Piper, this track in particular:
  5. nmwhitneyjr

    New BI User, call me Overwhelmed

    So the title is a bit dramatic, I admit. However, I've downloaded and started reading the BI manual and spot read a few threads here on the forum. I'm starting to feel like BI is extreme overkill. But damn if the other options out there don't seem even more complicated to setup and run. Is...
  6. nmwhitneyjr

    Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

    I've turned a complete 180* about in my feelings regarding the pandemic lockdown. At the time, I was all for it. I mean "what else were we supposed to do?" But since everything got back to "normal", I'm seeing the mental health affect on kids. I've watched juvenile crime go from minor school...
  7. nmwhitneyjr

    New cameras, what’s the 1st thing you do?

    Bookmarking this thread...
  8. nmwhitneyjr

    How to build a functional system that deters crime?

    ^THIS is what I want my system to do. I like the way Metthew eyeballed your cam and decided to bike on.
  9. nmwhitneyjr

    How to build a functional system that deters crime?

    I know I'm late to this thread, but as a prosecutor, my anecdotal experience is that cameras don't deter much (if anything)... especially if its consumer stuff like Ring, Wyze, ADT...etc. If the perps have some sense of self preservation they might avoid a property that has visible cameras...
  10. nmwhitneyjr

    Camera location/type query

    Not so much scratch as I already have an AMD AM4 2700x cpu, motherboard and nvidia 1070ti sitting around not getting used.
  11. nmwhitneyjr

    Camera location/type query

    Hooboy... a few of those NVR vs. BI threads had some serious pissing contests going on. I'm starting to lean towards BI (if for no other reason than I LOVE building PC's from scratch). I bought the camera suggested above and an unmanaged POE switch. Wow <Owen Wilson voice>... there's a LOT...
  12. nmwhitneyjr

    Camera location/type query

    So it's "put on big boy pants and go with BI"... fair enough!
  13. nmwhitneyjr

    Camera location/type query

    Good advice all around Mat200. What camera do you think would be a good "test cam"? And for the test setup would it be easier to get an sd card cam or set it up with BI on my laptop for temporary testing? That brings me to another question (not to derail my own thread). I'm on the fence...
  14. nmwhitneyjr

    Camera location/type query

    (I added an aerial view to the original post so folks can see the tree on the corner.) Thank you Mat200. With those locations in mind, where and what type of cameras would you install (using locations numbered in this pic):
  15. nmwhitneyjr

    Camera location/type query

    Greetings all, I'm curious as to what locations you would place cameras on my house (pic below). I plan on starting out with 4 or 5 cameras. I'm keen on the idea of using wide view spotter cams in conjunction with a PTZ (but I'm not married to the idea if it's not the best use of $). The...