Recent content by olympia

  1. olympia

    Blue Iris and CodeProject.AI ALPR

    ...because Blue Iris is a network dependent application. Consequently the best practice is to handle network dependency handling in its startup routine and only start activities on the network, once the network stack is up and running. I found a workaround however: if I change the startup type...
  2. olympia

    Blue Iris and CodeProject.AI ALPR

    Ahh, it’s not about necessity—it’s because I can! :) BI runs on a Windows 11 VM within an unRAID server, and I had an unused SFP+ port there what I could pass through to the VM. Plus, my core switch in the same rack cabinet had free SFP+ ports, so it was a no-brainer to connect them. :) ...but...
  3. olympia

    Blue Iris and CodeProject.AI ALPR

    Would be nice if you could try unchecking and rebooting to see if it starts. It’s not working on my end, but I might have a different issue. My BI machine uses a 10G SFP+ Ethernet interface, and the network initialization is slower than usual (taking 30–60 seconds after boot). This might be...
  4. olympia

    Blue Iris and CodeProject.AI ALPR

    @wpiman did you already update to .28?
  5. olympia

    Blue Iris and CodeProject.AI ALPR

    ...but you have auto start enabled what shouldn't be needed any longer with .28.
  6. olympia

    Blue Iris and CodeProject.AI ALPR

    .28 doesn't solve the issue for me. I still need to enable auto-start to get BI detecting the remote CPAI.
  7. olympia

    Blue Iris and CodeProject.AI ALPR

    Wow, yes, enabling auto-start (while not having local CPAI installed, so there is no CPAI to actually auto-start) fixes the issue for me. is up and running with remote CPAI in unRAID docker what was not possible before. Thank you for following up on this!
  8. olympia

    Blue Iris and CodeProject.AI ALPR

    I'm experiencing this as well. This is what I meant when I said I noticed that in versions and, BI no longer detects the CPAI update status in the 'Blue Iris News and Updates' tab, whereas it did in versions prior to I firmly believe that the "Start now" button is...
  9. olympia

    Blue Iris and CodeProject.AI ALPR

    That's odd... On v5.9.8.5, where the config panel has a different layout, I see the following options for custom selection when clicking the three dots while using an external Docker for CPAI: So, there's no option to select the models, which makes sense since the models are managed within...
  10. olympia

    Blue Iris and CodeProject.AI ALPR

    @hopalong, based on your AI config tab in the main configuration, it looks like it's working for you because you're running some kind of hybrid setup between external and local CPAI. If you were using only external CPAI, you wouldn’t be able to select custom models in that menu: it would simply...
  11. olympia

    Blue Iris and CodeProject.AI ALPR

    @wpiman @PeteJ I'm joining the queue as I'm experiencing the exact same issue. While reinstalling Windows under BI, I ran into this problem after getting everything set up again. I spent hours troubleshooting before coming here and realizing that I was likely running a version earlier than...
  12. olympia

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    @sunny0101786 I mean no disrespect, but could you please continue troubleshooting your ALPR issue in the CodeProject.AI forum threads? As has been politely mentioned multiple times, what you're asking for is entirely off-topic for this discussion, which is focused on the ALPR database. Once you...
  13. olympia

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    Interesting how many iterations are possible based on different BI settings... :) I manually rerun the migration.sql command (since I’m the unRAID guy and have to do this manually), but it doesn’t work for me. I always have to go back to the /update page and run a database backfill cycle to...
  14. olympia

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    I was already on version 0.1.7 when this issue occurred, so I'll need to investigate why I'm still experiencing it.
  15. olympia

    Full ALPR Database System for Blue Iris!

    I have only continuous, so there might be some differences. My continuous also splice every hour and when I was using &ALERT_CLIP I landed (probably) at the beginning of the splice, but surely far away from the actual alert. As you said, it's definitely not something to handle on the app side...