Recent content by pbets

  1. P

    New Motion Zones - Are they actually functional?

    Looks like only one rule with two zones works. So you can use zone A and B for example and the rule A-B but that's it. So in my case instead of trying to use all the letters across my frame I used just A and B to cut up my frame into multiple zones I wanted to catch motion. Seems to work pretty...
  2. P

    New Motion Zones - Are they actually functional?

    Few updates have come and gone since I posted this. So I tried again to get multi zones working (simple stuff) and no go. Anyone get this working properly yet with more than 2 zones? If so..whats the syntax?
  3. P

    New Motion Zones - Are they actually functional?

    Yep made sure they all overlap a fair amount... No idea. Would be nice to get more details on setting up more than two or three zones etc
  4. P

    New Motion Zones - Are they actually functional?

    Was hoping to use zone crossing instead of a large blanket mask to avoid things like lighting changes (clouds, shadows and car headlights). The idea is to use multiple zones across the scene chopping it up into 6 or so slices that things need to cross in order to trip motion. I've tried a few...
  5. P app alerts stop working

    Seems the app alerts (both Android and Apple) stop working with a schedule change. If I make a change or reset the cams they work fine until the next scheduled change. This may have to do with profiles changing.. not sure yet. Anyone else?
  6. P

    4.3.0 - February 23, 2016

    Update: had to adjust a setting for one cam and after it saved alerts began working again. Reset the rest and they seem fine ATM.
  7. P

    4.3.0 - February 23, 2016

    Looks like mobile phone alerts are dead again.. Email seem to still go out.
  8. P

    4.3.0 - February 23, 2016 has fixed my alert issues but using multiple zones seems to cause "corruption". I was setting up a 3 zone trip when all of a sudden my zone masks got all messed up almost looked like random masking (all the letters instead of just the 3). Disabling zone edits and using just the one mask...
  9. P

    4.3.0 - February 23, 2016

    Out of 4 cams I'm only getting app alerts and emails from 2 cams despite successful triggers (can see them in BI server/app alert list). I have Android and the wife Apple ..same results for both phones. I should add that using the test button works on all cam..odd.