Peg1987's latest activity

  • Peg1987
    Peg1987 replied to the thread Suggestion for 2 new cam.
    The problem is the 6mm is very hard to be found... I've tried to find the 6mm but it seams a mirage. The only one i found costs almost...
  • Peg1987
    Peg1987 replied to the thread Suggestion for 2 new cam.
    OK, underdstood. And something with a small zoom? As i said I haven't a large budget. Can you tell me the difference beetwin...
  • Peg1987
    Peg1987 replied to the thread Suggestion for 2 new cam.
    Can you explain this sentence? Sorry but in relly poor of knowledge of this topic! Anyway thank for the suggestion, This cam exist even...
    • 2024-05-24 09_31_48-Blue Iris.png
  • Peg1987
    Peg1987 replied to the thread Suggestion for 2 new cam.
    Thanks so much for the introduction to the topic!
  • Peg1987
    Hi all, I need to replace 2 reolink cameras. I have to replace an 810a and an 822a. Both must be 4k and must integrate AI for people...
  • Peg1987
    Peg1987 replied to the thread Alternative to blue iris.
    OK but a question: what should change from using BI with Google coral and frigate with Google Coral? Just in term of performance. On...
  • Peg1987
    Peg1987 replied to the thread Alternative to blue iris.
    This is true but require a lot of space on hdd, and many doesn't support h264 anymore.
  • Peg1987
    Peg1987 replied to the thread Alternative to blue iris.
    I have problems with my cheap cameras... Even the "from the datasheet" supports person detection, this seams don't working. I have a lot...
  • Peg1987
    Peg1987 replied to the thread Alternative to blue iris.
    I'm using coral TPU on BI already. Frigate supports only h264, for this reason I'm not considering it.
  • Peg1987
    Peg1987 replied to the thread Alternative to blue iris.
    Thank you! I'm going to to try immediatly!
  • Peg1987
    Peg1987 replied to the thread Alternative to blue iris.
    For me, the most important thing is reduce the power consumption. A dedicated GPU, is too energy expansive (and I've no space on my...
  • Peg1987
    Hi all I'm new in the forum but I need help. I'm using blue iris since 3 years but now is time to change. I've 9 cameras 7 are 4k, 1...