Recent content by Photon Farmer

  1. P

    Laser/LED pointer prevention - please help!

    I also like the idea of adding a camera or two. I have cameras cover each other from a physical threat, think baseball bat to the side of the camera. However in this case I would not prioritize having them cover each other. Instead cover the same area from angles far enough apart it would take...
  2. P

    New User - ?Laptop and external Thunderbolt connection to HDD

    Have used both thunderbolt and USB external hard drive enclosures to record more than the eight cameras you mention. Only problem thunderbolt enclosure was front cover use to rattle, no issues recording video. There has been thou, a vocal minority that keeps saying USB external drives cannot...
  3. P

    Annke - I've had enough

    You have taken some test pictures inside. You want to use cameras outside so test cameras outside at night. Pay attention to the moving stuff, walls and bushes will probably still be there tomorrow, you can take great pictures of them then with your phone. I have tested by placing cameras on...
  4. P

    Not in a million years . . .

    I believe it was wrong to create two recesses in the wall for doors to open and close. Two main ideas post recesses now come to mind. 1) If possible stack the dryer on top of washer. Rotate both machines, ninety degrees anticlockwise, so back of machines are against far wall. 2) Reverse...
  5. P


    If I was the joker, would not have stoped at removing part of the "R" on the back window. For better results, passenger door bottom line I would have also covered part of the "R" with a small piece white electrical tape.
  6. P

    MyCommerce/Digital River meltdown

    Posted on slashdot earlier today. Developers have been having nonpayment troubles with Digital River for past 3 months. Looks like Digital River has been taking customers money and not passing along.
  7. P

    New "Disk can't write fast enough" error in logs.

    And you thought your message would be helpful... how? Oh wait, you just joined last month, you're a baby troll. Probably, don't even have a tape measure yet.
  8. P

    Why not 30 FPS?

    Running more FPS will not make pictures any clearer. Yet, high FPS may give you the clear picture you want. I run captures 24/7 no sub streams. I run cameras at max resolution Overview usually the highest VBR the camera will do. Recognize/Identify is normally set at a high CBR. About two years...
  9. P

    Second Dead Hard Disk in BI system

    This website is great, I have learned a lot here. For about 2-1/2 years I have been using an USB 3.1 Gen2 external case with 5 IronWolf NAS 12TB drives. I am currently recording 16 cameras 24/7 to this RAID without problems. Some very well respected people on this forum doubt and even laugh at...
  10. P

    Cameras for monitoring industrial machinery.

    Using a PTZ with two presets may work. I would be worried about how long motors and gears would last. Camera would be in transition or on other preset over half the time. Also would make scrubbing to find a change more challenging. What is the cost of one or two cameras compared to the price...
  11. P

    Cameras for monitoring industrial machinery.

    Requirements: 1) Monitor the industrial machine itself (approx 5 x 5 meters / 16.5x16,5 ft). 2) Read what is said on the display (around 8 inch screen) -- about 2 decimeters. You will need two cameras per machine. Cameras that can view a 16 foot by 16 foot area will not be able to read text on...
  12. P

    New IPC-Color4K-T is Out of Focus.

    I have a few of these cameras. Picture with depth will not all be in sharp focus at different depths. Using your picture to adjust focus remove two patches of clear glue on circular threaded area(red arrows). Before removing glue, I use sharp light grey felt pen to, make an alignment mark from...
  13. P

    Can't get camera times to sync up (have tried manual, NTP, etc.)

    Go to the SecuritySpy menu and select Install NTP Server... That will allow the Mac Mini to pass correct time to cameras. If the Mac Mini has access to the internet. You also have to go to each camera and set NTP to the Macs address and port 123. Also in each camera you should set Day Light...
  14. P

    Questions About Continuous Recording

    I find all the different USB flavors confusing. 2 3 3.1 4 Gen1 Gen2 I currently have seven cameras going continuous capture to a USB 3.1 Gen2 raid. About two years ago I had around fourteen to sixteen cameras all going continuous capture to that raid. Even while playing back video with all those...
  15. P

    Anyone Know What Make And Kind Of Car This Is

    Yep Thought of that. also thinking maybe Release Candidate