Recent content by prairietech

  1. prairietech

    Axis replacement parts / boards

    There used to be a few repair services listed on eBay. I think a google search might turn up a few repair services too.
  2. prairietech

    Axis A8105-E wishing to interact with gate relay from telephone touchpad

    Typically dtmf 00 is used to activate the dry relay contacts in the A8105. There are additional settings that will need to be programmed in the A8105 that will tell the relay to activate. But without being in front of the user interface menu, I can't recite the procedure.
  3. prairietech

    Unable to play video recordings of AXIS Camera

    Chrome can be problematic. Have you tried another browser like Firefox? Maybe not the easiest, but VLC media player will normally stream almost anything.
  4. prairietech

    Axis Q1786 Focus issue

    Sorry I can't help. But go to and register for an account. You can then submit a Help Desk ticket and a tech will assist you.
  5. prairietech

    M3058-PLVE output corridor dewarp to Exacq NVR?

    Some Axis panoramic overviews are pretty distorted. The M43 series isn't too bad but not as nice as the software dewarping is.
  6. prairietech

    M3058-PLVE output corridor dewarp to Exacq NVR?

    I "believe" overview is the fish-eye stream. At least it is on the newer M43 series of panoramic cameras.
  7. prairietech

    M3058-PLVE output corridor dewarp to Exacq NVR?

    Your NVR is going to need dewarping capabilities. The dewarped images from the camera GUI are very useful as you have discovered. True dewarping capabilities would allow you to "zoom" into any portion of the picture clearly. Just for fun, you should download a copy of Digital Watchdog Spectrum...
  8. prairietech

    Axis Digital Autotracking

    I've used it with Genetec's Security Center where the "tracking" video appears in it's own stream. Try sending a help desk request to Axis tech support and see if they can provide a rtsp url for that tracking stream. You might have to create a free Axis account to submit a help desk request...
  9. prairietech

    PoE+ IEEE802.3at for several Axis PTZ cameras

    99% of our Axis PTZ failures are due to a defective POE power supply circuit in the camera. Since there aren't any service manuals or schematics available for Axis PTZ cameras, it's hard to determine where the failure is. But I'm betting that it is a very common failure between all PTZ models...
  10. prairietech

    Ghosting/Double Images at Night

    I'm wondering if it's due to some kind of mis-alignment in the optics of the zoom lens? If you don't already have an account with Axis, you can sign up for free then submit a case to their Help Desk. Response may take a day or two but they usually have a solution.
  11. prairietech

    P5415 Mounting hardware? Screw and anchor size...

    I like the P5415. There are many times a full 360 degree PTZ is not needed and it filled the need. Too bad Axis decided not to produce them any more.
  12. prairietech

    P5415 Mounting hardware? Screw and anchor size...

    Mainly depends on what kind of mounting surface your trying to fasten to. There are so many variables that Axis can't reliably recommend a fastener. This camera is somewhat front heavy but I've never had one fall off a wall. What are you mounting to?
  13. prairietech

    Cloning axis ip camera

    OK, got it now. But, just wondering, why would you want to do this? Multiple devices can view a camera with one IP address.
  14. prairietech

    Cloning axis ip camera

    Clones?? Maybe something didn't translate right? Cloning physically like in 3D printing? Not sure I understand? If your looking to scan a network looking for all Axis cameras, has a free utility call IP Utility that will do that.
  15. prairietech

    Problem: Axis P1435 Cameras keeps resetting by itself

    Log into your camera's user interface and click Setup / System Options / Maintenance. Under Upgrade Server click Choose File and browse to the location where you downloaded the latest firmware from then click Upgrade.