Recent content by riansct

  1. riansct

    iDS-2CD7A26G0/P-IZHS get captured plate numbers via ISAPI or just API?

    @trempa92 Ahh I See.. Hmmm.. for this part very difficult for me...
  2. riansct

    iDS-2CD7A26G0/P-IZHS get captured plate numbers via ISAPI or just API?

    Here the result: Header: Auth:
  3. riansct

    iDS-2CD7A26G0/P-IZHS get captured plate numbers via ISAPI or just API?

    Hi @trempa92 Finally got it. /ISAPI/Traffic/channels/1/licensePlateAuditData/record?format=json Can share how to fetch real-time vehicle number data / picture? Big Thanks for your assistance,
  4. riansct

    iDS-2CD7A26G0/P-IZHS get captured plate numbers via ISAPI or just API?

    Hi @trempa92 Thanks for the quick response. unicode escaping? how to solve that? Ah, I see, Thats why I only see few posts for TCG series. Yes, this happens when I use Postman. PUT Header Body
  5. riansct

    DS-TCG405-E Reading license plates via http post

    Yes, Im using same model like yours. and tested using this ISAPI: PUT Header Body
  6. riansct

    iDS-2CD7A26G0/P-IZHS get captured plate numbers via ISAPI or just API?

    Hi Everyone and @trempa92 have you ever encountered an issue like this? I'm trying to register the allowlist for the new license plate using ISAPI on the DS-TCG405-E LPR Camera series. It successfully went through, but the output is showing strange characters. Warm regards, Rian
  7. riansct

    DS-TCG405-E Reading license plates via http post

    Im able to add new plate no, but as you can see, its appear as strange character.
  8. riansct

    DS-TCG405-E Reading license plates via http post

    Hi kenshinjeff Any updates for this? I also looking spesific ISAPI for this cam series.