Recent content by Saargebeat

  1. S

    A Guide to CodeProject.AI Server

    Hello guys, ive got the codeproject ai (GPU; docker) running and it takes about 10GB of RAM. Is that normal or did i do something wrong maybe? I couldnt find any info about the amount of ram being consumed when running that docker image. CoPilot is just telling 8GB for CPU Version and 12GB...
  2. S

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    I remove the checkbox "Use GPU" in the GUI. Strange that it did work with this setting on while i am not having nvidia GPU anymore Still i am wondering about the issue when having Face and Object both active ... then they crash both after certain time. Additional issue: BI just updated and now...
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    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    If i start this, i dont have GPU menu entries.... only Model Size. Also it does not start to work when trigger occurs. Only 6.2 works?!
  4. S

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    thanks One last question: I did just update BI and CodeProject.AI it seem to have lost my selected object detection. I installed all versions to see which one works. It looks like its YOLOv5 6.2 (Windows CPU) and now situation is like: Face Processing 1.8.1and Object Detection YOLOv5 6.2 both...
  5. S

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    ahh so both with one cam doesnt work?
  6. S

    CodeProject.AI Version 2.0

    Hey there i just found out that we got ALPR :-) How to set this up so it works together with "normal" detection (person, cat, dog,car, ...) and face recognition?
  7. S

    Blue Iris and CodeProject.AI ALPR

    how to set up ALPR beside normal (person, car, cat, dog, ...) and facial recognition? I just saw settings to only get alpr running :-)
  8. S

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    Solution. Thanks Is there somewhere a good explanation about these dynamic masks? I see that it creates them now, but apparently not correct (due to misconfig i think). So it masks a parked car, but also some car driving across the street. Later the parked car is gone but still driving cars...
  9. S

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    I took the lastest versions of AITool and the Fork. Maybe i can get a confirmation of somebody running the same software versions?! Or any non-self-compiled one :) Also maybe there is a short manual how it should work. Whatever i try, i dont get any dynamic mask
  10. S

    [tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

    Hello Friends of AI can someone explain how to setup dynamic masks? I like to get rid of detection of parked cars. I thought i did everything but it doesnt create any dynamic masks I dont have static masks or anything. Also i have 150-200ms response time with RTX3070 Using newest beta I...
  11. S

    Last Watch AI - a new platform-independent AI tool with web interface

    Thank you very much. The first option did not work for me. The second option ... i am not sure if i can just change the URL to "host.docker.internal" or "gateway.docker.internal" or if i need to install/setup something to get it running. By just using these 2 URLS it does not work for me The...
  12. S

    Last Watch AI - a new platform-independent AI tool with web interface

    Heyhey, i modified the compose file and removed dependency on deepstack and the deepstack itself. Then i installed deepstack windows gpu version and i run it with all APIs (vision-scene, vision-detection, vision-face) at port 5000 Deepstack is running fine and reachable under localhost:5000 i...
  13. S

    Last Watch AI - a new platform-independent AI tool with web interface

    I did install Docker on Win10 with the provided manual of this fork and it worked like a charm. I will try getting the Nvidia Container running
  14. S

    Last Watch AI - a new platform-independent AI tool with web interface

    Runs fine under Windows 10. Didnt yet set up the triggers from AI to BI but that will work, too i guess How can i change to Deepstack-GPU? I have a nvidia gpu and like to use the GPU for Deepstack thanks
  15. S

    Which AI-Setup (Software) to choose with nvidia GPU and Windows 10?

    Hello Friends of AI and Video Surveillance. Ive got a new Win10 PC with a nice nvidia GPU (RTX3070 if im right ^^). I tried already to set up the new fork of the AITool (which is running fine already via Docker on my "old" PC). Unfortunately i couldnt get it running through docker and also the...